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Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Quelle IWAI, Kommentar von Admin

Lieber Leser,

Hier die Wasserstände für die Expertenm und solche die es werden wollen. Es rauscht das Wasser noch immer!,24676

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Zitat: Admin
Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun Hier die Wasserstände für die Expertenm und solche die es werden wollen.,24676
Zitat: Admin
The last few days I have been telephoning the auto water level No. for water levels on L Erne ( at Belle Isle )Guten Morgen
Kann mir jemand die Nummer geben ?
Gruss Franz

God Send Grace

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Zitat: Franz
Zitat: Admin
Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun Hier die Wasserstände für die Expertenm und solche die es werden wollen.,24676 Zitat: Admin
The last few days I have been telephoning the auto water level No. for water levels on L Erne ( at Belle Isle ) Guten Morgen Kann mir jemand die Nummer geben ? Gruss Franz God Send Grace

Fragen Sie mal Ocean Froggy?

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Vielleicht kann der Erneman auch helfen, ich habe die Nummer leider nicht, eventuell die E-mail Adresse?

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Ein herzliches Dankeschön für die PN. Ich wusste nicht, dass die 3 Nummern von Belleisle, Portora und Roscor sooo top secret sind, warum eigentlich ? Kann jedenfalls versichern vertrauensvoll damit umzugehen.
Gruss Franz

God Send Grace

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Quelle IWAI, Kommentar von Admin

Lieber Leser,

Nachfolgend erfahren Sie auch wichtige Informationen, aber Wasserrausch weiß auch bestens Bescheid!

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Den Rest kann man hier nachlesen,24676

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Quelle IWAI, Kommentar von Admin

Lieber Leser,

Hier die wesentlichen Ausagen als Zitat von diesem Beitrag (Alun):

The levels the voice announcer gives out are in metres above sea level, which in this case is a mark on the base of Poolbeg lighthouse, in Dublin Bay. This is known as the datum, a level deemed to be 0m. Sea level in other words.

(= OD)There are two other datums in use in Ireland, which are Malin in the ROI and Belfast in NI. Both are markedly different to Poolbeg at around 3m different, but although close, Malin and Belfast are not the same. Also, the satellites are uploaded every twenty minutes or so with reference levels from the ground.

Is there a usual level? No, there are ranges within which we try to work. Legally, the Lower Lough has to be between 44.80m (146,98 Fuß) & 46.32m (151,96 Fuß). The Upper Lough is not to fall below 45.72m and should not, as far as can be reasonably prevented, rise above 46.92m summer (Apr to Sept inclusive) or 47.32m winter (Oct to Mar incl). In practice, we try to work within 45.32 and 45.98 on the Lower Lough, but during the summer within 45.72  (150 Fuß) to 45.98 (150,85 Fuß). Not always possible.

The Upper Lough is much more variable; the vast bulk of the catchment flows into the Upper Lough and all this has to pass through Enniskillen. However, we will always maintain the minimum of 45.72. In a dry summer such as we've just had there is an argument that the minimum isn't high enough for modern boats, ie TSDYs etc as its quite shallow in a lot of the Upper Lough; on the other hand, the farming community would want it 600mm lower. That would make the Upper Lough inaccessible to virtually all boats except lake boats and dinghys. The flood plain created if that were to happen would simply flood every time it rained, and then the call would go up for it to be lowered another 600mm.Ende Zitat (Alun).

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Zitat: Admin

Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Quelle IWAI, Kommentar von Admin

Lieber Leser,

Hier die wesentlichen Ausagen als Zitat von diesem Beitrag (Alun):

The levels the voice announcer gives out are in metres above sea level, which in this case is a mark on the base of Poolbeg lighthouse, in Dublin Bay. This is known as the datum, a level deemed to be 0m. Sea level in other words.

(= OD)

There are two other datums in use in Ireland, which are Malin in the ROI and Belfast in NI. Both are markedly different to Poolbeg at around 3m different, but although close, Malin and Belfast are not the same. Also, the satellites are uploaded every twenty minutes or so with reference levels from the ground.

Is there a usual level? No, there are ranges within which we try to work. Legally, the Lower Lough has to be between 44.80m (146,98 Fuß) & 46.32m (151,96 Fuß). The Upper Lough is not to fall below 45.72m (150 Fuß) and should not, as far as can be reasonably prevented, rise above 46.92m (153,93 Fuß) summer (Apr to Sept inclusive) or 47.32m winter (Oct to Mar incl). In practice, we try to work within 45.32 and 45.98 on the Lower Lough, but during the summer within 45.72  (150 Fuß) to 45.98 (150,85 Fuß). Not always possible.

The Upper Lough is much more variable; the vast bulk of the catchment flows into the Upper Lough and all this has to pass through Enniskillen. However, we will always maintain the minimum of 45.72. In a dry summer such as we've just had there is an argument that the minimum isn't high enough for modern boats, ie TSDYs etc as its quite shallow in a lot of the Upper Lough; on the other hand, the farming community would want it 600mm lower. That would make the Upper Lough inaccessible to virtually all boats except lake boats and dinghys. The flood plain created if that were to happen would simply flood every time it rained, and then the call would go up for it to be lowered another 600mm.Ende Zitat (Alun).

LLE = 150-151'

ULE = 150-154'

Re: Lough Erne water levels ? ( for Alun )

Neuester Stand der Waterlevels:,24676