Schongauer FORUM!! - Musik

songtexte die jeder braucht!!

Re: songtexte die jeder braucht!!

Danke Ben!!!

Propagandhi - "The Only Good Fascist Is A Very Dead Fascist"

Swastikas and Klan-robes. Sexist, racist, homophobes.
Aryan-Nations and Hammerskins: you can wear my nuts on your nazi chins!
God, I love a man in uniform!
(But, uh, before we get too intimate here, big fella):
what exactly are the great historical accomplishments of "your" race that make you proud to be white?
Capitalism? Slavery? Genocide? Sitcoms? Guns? War? Pollution? Addiction? NAFTA? Thigh-Master?
This is your fucking white-history, my "friend".
So why don't we start making a history worth being proud of and start fighting the real fucking enemy:
the white male capitalist supremacist.
Swastikas and Klan-robes. Sexist, racist, homophobes.
This one's for the "Master Race": my brown-power ass in your white-power face!
Kill them all and let a Norse God sort 'em out!

und "Head? Chest? or Foot?" (ebenfalls Propagandhi)

Three choices. One bullet. One trigger. Guess who gets to pull it.
One leader. A thousand slaves.
For every throne there's a thousand graves.
You're all the same. Just part of their machine.
Perpetuate their dream.
They subsidize your nightclubs and they subsidize your malls.
They herd and brand the masses within painted prison walls.
'Til your freedom of assembly becomes the missiles they create.
Or just mass delusion dancing to this music that you fucking hate.
But I'm not the same. I'm not part of your fucking machine.
I'll jeopardize their dream.
I'd rather be imprisoned in a George Orwell-ian world
Than your pacified society of happy boys and girls.
I'd rather know my enemies and let you know the same.
Whose windows to smash and whose tires to slash
And where to point the fucking blame.
One future. Two choices. Oppose them or let them destroy us.

und natürlich: Operation Ivy - Knowledge

I know that things are getting tougher
When you can't get the top off from the bottom of the barrel.
Wide open road of my future now... It's looking fucking narrow.

All I know is that I don't know
All I know is that I don't know nothing

We get told to decide
Just like as if I'm not gonna change my mind.

All I know is that I don't know
All I know is that I don't know nothing

Whatcha gonna do with yourself,
Boy better make up your mind.
Whatcha gonna do with yourself boy,
You're running out of time.

This time I got it all figured out

All I know is that I don't know
All I know is that I don't know nothing

And that's fine

They call it a scene, I call it disaster

Re: songtexte die jeder braucht!!

I sense personalsierende Kapitalismuskritik.