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Devans geplante Storyline (Achtung: SPOILER STAFFEL 4!!!!!!)

Devans geplante Storyline (Achtung: SPOILER STAFFEL 4!!!!!!)

ACHTUNG: Wer Staffel 4 noch nicht kennt und nicht gespoilert werden möchte, bitte nicht weiterlesen!!!!

Im Cofferoom wurde diese Frage zur Folge „Fire in the sky“ gestellt:
“The stupid phone call in the beginning of "Fire in the Sky" where Devan was speaking French. WAS it supposed to mean anything or was it JUST a phone call ~ showing how little we the viewers knew about Devan just as the stuff her mother revealed showed how little the people in the morgue knew about her?”

Allans Antwort darauf war ziemlich ausführlich und meiner Meinung nach interessant:
„This line of dialogue was put there in french to let you know that Devan had a non-American boyfriend. It was going to be a clue to a follow-up episode where in we find out that the boyfriend is an international arms dealer. They had just broken up & he had lied to her about his past. Which explains her anger she wanted to be done with him once & for all. We toyed with this plot as a way of making Devan go off into witness protection after she gives info on the boyfriend, We would find out afterwards that Devan never got on the flight, she went off with the CIA, by happenstance the plane crashes & the FBI agent in the episode plants her phone in the rubble. We even went so far as to shoot that scene of the phone, to be used as a flashback.
Well...it was ultimately decided that Devan was better off dead (to us) So this story idea morphed into the episode which is on tonight!!!, "A Stranger Among Us." Just substitute Devan for the woman who goes to our people for help & make it about arms not drugs. We thought her reappearance in Jordan's office at night would be a big wow,BUT... to what end, Jennifer was busy with her series & the writers could never lick the story. "Stranger " is not a very good episode full of plot holes, this sometimes happens when you are doing about 40 or 50 stories a season,(usually 2 per episode sometimes 3.
How was that for super secret info PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO INTO ANYMORE OF THE STORY DETAILS, or the whys or how much you hate Devan, she REALLY is dead. Have fun ,use your imaginations to fill in the blanks.“

Dachte, es könnte Euch interessieren…
Die alternative Story hätte mir übrigens gefallen.
Was Devan wirklich auf französisch gesagt hat, kann man im Transcript auf der HP nachlesen (wie ich eben festgestellt habe)

Vielleicht kann man das, wenn die Folge hier gelaufen ist, als "Wissen" mit auf die Seite packen...

Re: Devans geplante Storyline (Achtung: SPOILER STAFFEL 4!!!!!!)

lol.. wenn ich dann noch daran denke, dass es hier steht....