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Hättet Ihr das Lust zu? Mir fallen pro Folge immer zwei bis drei Sachen ein, die ich mir unbedingt merken möchte, aber dann doch wieder vergesse.
Im Coffeeroom sammeln sie auch gerade Zitate. Die zu übersetzen bringt aber meiner Meinung nach nicht viel, weil doch vieles anderes synchronisiert wurde.

Was meint Ihr? Und vorallem: Was sagt die Chefin?

Re: Zitatesammlung

Fänd das echt ne gute Idee...vergess sie meistens aber auch immer *lol*

Re: Zitatesammlung

Sehr gerne sogar. Ich suche nämlich schon seit geraumer Zeit vergeblich nach englischen Zitaten. Also wenn du sie aus dem Coffeeroom kopieren könntest wäre das toll und wir machen dazu unsere eigene, dt. Sammlung....


Re: Zitatesammlung

Stimme den mal grad heftik zu..........sammelt jetzt fleißig mit.

Re: Zitatesammlung

Ok, hier sind die Zitate aus dem Coffeeroom:
Aber Achtung: Einige sind aus Staffel 4 und sehr spoilerhaft!!!

[Jordan is banging computer keys in frustration]
Dr. Nigel Townsend: Please evacuate the keyboard area.

2. John Doe
[writing on a paper in Bug's apartment]
Bug: I don't belong.

[when asked why he became an ME]
Bug: I wanted to be a children doctor but little kids hated me.

4. Wild Card
Det. Cruz: You and I are on the same street, you know. Just different sides.
Jordan: That doesn't make us pals. So far - not a big fan.
Det. Cruz: Don't worry. I grow on people.
Jordan: So does fungus.

Jordan: [to Garret] It's like you always tell me. The dead bodies are easy. It's the alive ones that get more complicated.

Susan: [to Det. Cruz] What, are you playing bad cop?
Woody: No, he's not playing. He just is... bad.

7. Sunset Division
Woody: Stay in the car.
Jordan: What exactly in our past makes you think I'll do that?

8. Lost and Found?
Macy: Nobody knows what kind of parent they'd make until it's too late to back out.

9. Lost and Found?
Macy: We should all sort out our personal demons before having children.

Det. Cruz: Should I take this to Macy?
Jordan: You can take this to the Pope for all I care.

11. Most Likely
Woody: Looks like man vs. city bus. You can guess the outcome.

Woody: Don't tell me that I missed something.
Bug: Okay, I won't. But you did.

13. Most Likely
Devan Maguire: You know, I've been trying to shake the whole cheerleader image for years. Is it really that bad?
Dr. Nigel Townsend: Keep trying, luv.

14. Most Likely
Frances: Do you bake?
Lily: I'm better at burning.

15. Most Likely
Det. Cruz: This kid was built like a brick outhouse. I doubt that a few light punches could have taken him out.

Macy: Dead men do tell tales, I guess.

Woody: Carlsen's car is a '65 El Dorado.
Bug: Hard to miss, considering it's the size of the QE II.

18. Most Likely
Bug: Remember, heavy object, odd design.
Woody: Thanks. That really narrows things down.
Bug: [mutters] Just trying to help.

19. Second chance??
Dr. Nigel Townsend: How big would you like it?
[Maguire gives him a look]
Dr. Nigel Townsend: I meant the picture.

20. Most Likely
Frances: [to Woody] I just slipped you a couple of sleeping pills. Don't worry. They won't kill you. I'll have to do that.

21. Most likely
Devan Maguire: Has anyone tried to lift a fingerprint from the bag found in the locker?
Det. Cruz: We never had a reason to.
Devan Maguire: Now you do.

22. Most Likely?
Devan Maguire: You told me not to jump to conclusions, and what did I do?
Jordan: Good jumping, though, really.

23. Most Likely?
Devan Maguire: So, you still think we would have hated each other in high school?
Jordan: Oh, yeah!
Devan Maguire: So, you, uh... want to get some dinner?
Jordan: No, not really.
Devan Maguire: Good, me either.

24. All the news fit to print
Woody: I have been meaning to ask you why do they call you Bug?
Bug: Because I like insects. Why do they call you Woody?
Woody: Why are you here again? .

25. All the news fit to print
Bug: He's a reporter.
Woody: How can you tell?
Bug: Calluses on the fingertips suggest a regular typist. Mysteriously empty tape recorder, and - oh, yeah... his press pass says so.

26. All the news fit to print
Macy: Get your coat.
Dr. Peter Winslow: But it's pouring!
Macy: We're like the post office. Neither rain, nor sleet...

27. Is That Plutonium in Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Devan Maguire: I didn't spend six years on postgraduate work to sit here on my shapely ass!

28. All the news fit to print
Macy: You okay, man?
Dr. Peter Winslow: Yeah. I'm just not used to working on bodies that are still bleeding.

29. All the news fit to print
Dr. Flynn: You shouldn't feel so bad, Dr. Macy. People die all the time. In fact, if you hang around another ten minutes, you'll have company on your way back to the morgue.

30. All the news fit to print
Woody: [Woody begins to undress and change his clothes]
Bug: You obviously didn't make it to the sexual harassment seminar.
Woody: Sure I did. That's why I didn't ask if you wanted to wrestle.

31. All the news fit to print??
Woody: Any way to tell her age from the autopsy?
Bug: Sure, I'll just cut her open and count the rings.
Woody: You could have simply said no.

32. All the news fit to print
[a woman is running a brothel under the disguise of a modeling agency]
Madam: You know, we're starting a men's division, Detective Hoyt. In case you're ever interested in making some extra cash...
Woody: I'll keep that in mind.
Bug: What about me?

33. All the news fit to print
Bug: [Bug is having technical difficulties]
Woody: You know, I could always go get Nigel.
Bug: If you love Nigel so much, why don't you marry him?
Woody: We can actually do that now in Vermont.

34. All the news fit to print
Woody: [checking a victim's phone records] There are over 50 calls in the last three months to a Robert Whiting.
Bug: Why does that name sound familiar?
Woody: You probably voted for him.

35. Revealed
Jordan: What did the ranger say?
Detective Matt Seely: Hiker on his way out this morning leaves the trail to take a leak. He's just got the lizard out, when he practically trips over a body.
Jordan: You sure know how to talk to a lady, Seely.
Detective Matt Seely: Well... maybe next time they will send a man to do a man's job.
Jordan: Then what are you doing here? By the way nice shoes... practical!

36. Revealed
Woody: Let's not jump to any hasty conclusions here. If I was looking for the wack-a-doo conspiracy version I would have called Jordan in.
Nigel: I am some how both flattered and insulted by that.

37. Revealed
Woody: I'd appreciate if you handle this with a little bit of sensitivity. I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm up for a promotion this year. So if word got out...
Nigel: Woody, Woody, Woody... I promise that I will keep an open mind, okay? And anyway sensitivity is my middle name.
[opens the door]

38. Locard’s Exchange
Lily: You have the sensitivity of a lizard.

39. Locard’s Exchange
Arlene Lebowski: You're not getting any younger.
Lily: Oh, so I should be you? Jump anything with a pulse and a penis?

Dr. Nigel Townsend: Why dine like kings when you're having dessert with Smith & Wesson?

41. Revealed
Woody: The last four times Burnham met him was at some Goth club named Asmanties.
Garrett: Goth club huh? Let Nigel do all the talking.

42. Revealed ??
Bug: I pulled tissue samples from John Doe and cross-referenced his biological data with local insect activity and came up with a time of death.
Jordan: That's my Bug.
Bug: Eleven days, four hours.
Detective Matt Seely: Four hours?
Bug: Well... Give or take.

43. Revealed
Nigel: I'm so glad you decided to go undercover Woody. You're blending right in.
Woody: Sorry, I didn't get the memo. Did you sew those pants on yourself?

44. He said, she said
Garrett: You ready for this?
Jordan: Yeah... Look at me man, I am a vision of authority. I'll just order the keg and line up the togas.

45. He said, she said
Devan Maguire: I've always been a good judge of character. I read people very well and I don't think he's guilty.
Woody: I'm a pretty good judge of character too Devan. I had you pegged didn't I?
Devan Maguire: Don't tell me... Pushy, driven...
Woody: And sometimes intolerable. See... Impressive isn't it?

46. He said, she said
Bug: You take it! I've got a date with a drug addict... Autopsy 4.
Dr. Peter Winslow: She doesn't want me... She wants you.
Bug: What? Someone... wants me?

47. He said, she said
Bug: She saw my name on the directory and a big sign on my forehead that said dumbass!

Dr. Nigel Townsend: Jordan, you should know that last night will never happen again.
Jordan: Oh God, what are we talking about here?
Dr. Nigel Townsend: My new image in the workplace. No more Nigel-the-computer-jockey. Okay, I was swept up in the moment, but now it's truly done.

49. Death in the water
Jordan: Look... You guys get along. I need you to talk to him.
Woody: He pulled a gun on me!
Jordan: That's bonding for him. He feels comfortable with you.
Woody: He said he was going to shoot me!
Jordan: You see... You guys are closer than I thought.

50. Death in the water
Dr. Peter Winslow: So... We're looking for a missing girl and a guy who doesn't exist. Hmmm... That's challenging.
Lily: Tell me about it!

Dr. Peter Winslow: Smaller than I expected.

52. Pandora’s Trunk
Macy: Well... three dead people, three different guns, three fatal bullet wounds. A shoots B, B shoots C, C shoots A.
Jordan: Commutative Property of Murder.

53. Digger, P1???
Lily: Have you ever done anything too wild in your past that's hurt you professionally?
Nigel: Well, there was that one thing with the sword swallower and the bubble bath.
Nigel: Never mind.

Nigel: Look, I don't know how much you know about Jordan, but-...
Jordan: She's an enormous pain in the ass.

Macy: I really don't like you.
DA Rene Walcott: Right back at you.
Macy: I mean not at all.
DA Rene Walcott: I get it. Just kiss me.

56. Cruel and Unusual
Jordan: Trust me. The answers are always in the body.

[looking for the victim's husband]
Landlord: Maybe he's at work.
Woody: His wife never came home last night. Would you go to work the next morning?
Landlord: Yeah, but you haven't met my husband.

[Peter is autopsying a morbidly obese man]
Macy: Now that's what I call a pancreas.

59. Out of Sight
[Lily has just bought a sandwich]
Garrett: Tofurkey?
Lily: Yeah. Fake turkey. Want some?
Garrett: I'd rather eat sand.

60. Ties that Bind
Jordan: Kinda early for sphincter level 10, even for you Garrett.

61. Sunset Division
Woody: I have moral issues shooting live animals. I don't care if it is wabbit hunting season.
Cal Hoyt: But you shoot people.
Woody: I shoot bad people.
Cal Hoyt: Well, there's bad wabbit.

62. Sunset Division
Woody: Her name is Jordan.
Cal Hoyt: That's a boy's name.
Woody: She's not a boy, though that'd explain a lot.

63. Sunset Division
Michael Stackhouse: She got shot.
Woody: Yes, she did. In the line of duty. You know what that is, duty?
Michael Stackhouse: When you go to the bathroom in your pants?

64. Oh, brother where are thou
Nigel: Uh, we've got good news and bad news.
Bug: Give her the bad news first. She's a pessimist.

[Rene is pregnant, and just telling Garrett]
DA Rene Walcott: We met for a drink...
Garrett: And one thing led to a mother?

[Nigel is asked if he can find out what's on a hard drive]
Nigel: Is the bear Catholic?
Jordan: And if he is, does that mean the Pope...

Jordan: I don't mind being the center of attention. And I know in this business, no matter how good you are, it always comes down to one thing: your body.

68. born to Run
Jordan: Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges.

69. Okham's Razor
Garrett: Woody...
Woody: Ahh!
Garrett: I think it's time you cut down on the java.
Woody: I think it's time you quit sneaking up on people!

70. Intruded
Jordan: You know me... I'm all about the mental health.

Cal: But lets definately grab a bite to eat while I'm in town, Jordan. Here's my cell.
Jordan: Definatly.
Woody: If we have time.
Jordan: Who invited you?

84. Deja Past
Woody: Just between you and me, no matter if you did anything wrong or not, resisting an officer is illegal.
Dude: Well I uh, listen I apologize.
Woody: If I was a different guy you would be spending your wedding night on a cold hard mattress in a 4x4 cell with some dude named Priscilla.
Dude: Thank you.
Woody: Consider it my gift.

85. Murder in the Rue Morgue
Woody: I refuse to be an accessory Jordan,
Jordan: I won’t do it ok?
Woody: You do it every time we ride in an elevator together.
Jordan: Not every time. Ya know, a nice warm caffeinated beverage might talk me out of it.
Woody: This is a double caramel latte with extra caramel.
(Guy walks in, Woody hands Jordan the coffee)
Jordan: Blood was coming from every where man, I mean it was spurting from his eyes, his ear, the floor was covered!
(door opens, guy is horrified)
Jordan: Isn’t this your floor?
Woody: I gave you my coffee Jordan.
Jordan: I said it MIGHT talk me out of it.

86. Digger P2
Adam: Your gonna get us killed.
Jordan: Yeah, but we are having fun and isn’t that what’s really important?

Jordan (to Woody and Cal who are arguing over whether Cal Stole Woody's Prom Date): Girls! You're both pretty!

88. Lost and Found
Det. Winslow: You looked good holding that baby, maybe you should think about popping one out.
Jordan: Yeah or maybe I should pop my foot up your ass.

89. Intruded
Lily: Is it me or is something seriously wrong with Jordan?
Bug: Well, now there's a loaded question.

90. Blue Moon
Garret: I'll send one of the guys, Jordan.
Nigel: Yeah, really, Bug or I can go.
Jordan: Not necessary. I'm a big girl.
Garret: But he's a psychopath.
Jordan: Yeah, and I'm not?

71. Intruded
Dr. Stiles: I mean, for the last 24 years, you've been hiding in a locked room. You wanna... leave a door open? Leave it open to let yourself out.

72. It happened One Night
Macy: After three years, we might beat Miami.

73. Skin and Bone
Jordan: Hey Woods, whats it like kissing your sister?

74. Digger 1
Jordan to Nigel: I’d say the chances of that can be expressed mathematically as diddly over squat.

75. Deja Past
Nigel: So if I killed my husband, where would I stash the body?
Jordan: If you killed your husband you'd have to start in the closet.

76. Deja Past
[To Woody and Devan]
Bug: Hey both of you, I was in the sandbox first so either get out or shut up.

77. Skin and Bone
Jordan: (to Cal & Woody) Ladies, please! You're both pretty!

78. Skin and Bone
Cal: (to Jordan) So, why won't you have sex with my brother?

79. Blue Moon
Jordan: The moon is in Uranus
Woody: Excuse me?

80. Murder in the Rue Morgue
Woody: Jordan whatever you do, do not go in the house.
Jordan: I wouldn't dream of it.
Woody: Dammit Jordan.

81. Wrong Place, wrong time....
Garret: Six times in one day? We're humans, not bunnies!!!
Lily: Garret said bunnies.

82. Sunset Division
Woody: Jordan I am going hunting.
Jordan: Revenge, there is a side of you I haven't seen before.
Woody: No I am going hunting with my brother back home in Kewanee, he tries to talk me into it every year. Quail season.
Jordan: Didn't know you had a brother.
Woody: I have a brother.
Jordan: When are you coming back?
Woody: I'm gonnna be on the DL for 2 weeks.
Jordan: 2 weeks!?
Woody: I'm so past due for a break especially since I hooked my sorry ass up with you.
Jordan: Oh so its all my fault.
Woody: Since we met I've had to shoot that guy off the roof, we had to dig those decomposed bodys from uder the floor boards, that house blew up, and now I have been hit in the face with a trash can. Who gets hit in the face with a trash can? I'm not Willie Coyote here.
Jordan: You're gonna miss me aren't you.
Woody: Yeah

83. Skin and

91. Deja Past
Nigel: Okay. Okay, right. So if I killed my husband, where would I stash the body?
Jordan: If you killed your husband, you'd have to start in the closet.

Nigel: Jordan's got a boyfriend.
Jordan: You want to pull on my pigtails? I've got cheerleading practice.
Nigel: An innocent country boy; sparkling blue eyes......
Jordan: I would chew him up and spit him out!!!
Nigel: I would love to see that.
Jordan: Arrrrgh!!!

Woody seeing Jordan in that red dress: "Hot damn!"
Then seeing Max's reaction "Uh, I mean you have a very lovely daughter, Mr. Cavanaugh."