Hallo @ll,
über ein Jahr nach dem Irakkrieg ist die Welt kein bißchen sicherer geworden, ganz im Gegenteil.
Über die Situation im Irak gibt es ja recht widersprüchliche Meldungen. Die Medien neigen ja dazu, die Schuld an den Aufständen allein bei den Irakern zu suchen. Nachstehend stelle ich einen "Situationsbericht" von James Twyman ins Forum. James Twyman leitet eine, man könnte sagen, spirituell orientierte Gruppe, die aber auch international praktische Hilfe leistet. Eine "Mitarbeiterin" von ihm, Donna Mulhearn, betreut Kinder im Irak. Sie wurde von moslemischen Widerstandskämpfern entführt, nach dem sie, wenn ich richtig übersetzt habe, von einem US-Soldaten (!) angeschossen wurde. Aber lest selbst:
April 15, 2004
Australian aid worker in Iraq, Donna Mulhearn, has been released by insurgents in Fallujah after being held captive 24 hours.
Donna said she and three other internationals, were treated with respect by their captors and were released without harm.
Donna was in Fallujah with an international team of humanitarian workers who went to the besieged town to help distribute aid and evacuate civilians.
She was shot at four times by American soldiers while trying to do this work. It was when leaving the city on Wednesday afternoon that the team was taken captive by local Mujahadeen fighters.
"We were interrogated and our belongings were searched, but we were treated very well, especially when they heard about the work we were doing"
Donna said. "I was questioned about Australia's involvement in the war, about the current role of Australian soldiers and the views of Australians at home. They asked why Australia wants to hurt Iraqi people.""As the bombing and gunfire continued around Fallujah, I realised that I was not the captive. These people were, the ones who are caught in this hellish situation."
"All our captors had brothers and fathers killed in Fallujah in recent days, yet they showed no anger or retribution. They showed us their humanity. They were gentle and grateful for the work we were doing."
Donna said the situation in Fallujah was reaching the point of a humanitarian crisis with many families stuck in the city with few supplies because US soldiers would not allow them to leave.
"Even during a so-called cease-fire, Fallujah was under siege with bombing, missiles and mortar attacks," she said. "But the worst form of attack was the US snipers hiding on rooftops who kill hundreds of civilians as they tried to move about the city."
Donna said she and her three colleagues were shot at by American soldiers four times while trying to transport an ambulance full of medical aid to a clinic.
"We were clearly unarmed civilian workers, we had our hands in the air, with our passports in our hands. We used a loud speaker to communicate with them, but they responded with gunfire."
Es könnte also durchaus sein, dass Mitglieder von Hilfsorganisationen/-Projekten im Irak nicht nur von fanatischen Moslems angegriffen werden.
Liebe Grüsse,
...we will stay by your side, let our voices be there to guide you... aus "Crimson Thunder"