Obama bricht mit Europa und Israel, plant im Juni 2009 den Ausnahmezustand auszurufen
(Übersetzung, Bericht vom 02.03.)
Das russische Außenministerium meldet, beim demnächst stattfindenden Treffen zwischen Präsident Obama und dem Britischen Premierminister Gordon Brown werde darüber gesprochen, daß der neue US Präsident einen vollständigen Bruch mit seinen Europäischen Verbündeten über die Behandlung der schlimmsten globalen Wirtschaftskrise seit der großen Depression vorbereite.
Als Stichtag für seinen eigenen Kongress nannte er den 1.Juni 2009, um seine Notstandsmaßnahmen einzuführen, nach diesen Berichten wird vermutet, daß er dann den wirtschaftlichen Notfall für Amerika erklären wird und der Kampf für das Überleben Amerikas wird ein Edikt erfordern(?), das die Aussetzung aller normalen Rechte und Gesetze beinhaltet..
Die Londoner Times berichtet, daß Brown, der am Dienstag in den Vereinigten Staaten ankommt, den Plan der Europäischen Union für einen globalen Aufschwung vorstellen wird. Berichten zufolge wird er einen Plan vorstellen, der gewaltige Investitionen in weltweitem Ausmaß erfordern wird.
Vom Premierminister wird erwartet, sich auf die Worte des Präsidenten Franklin D. Roosevelt zu berufen, der einen staatlich finanzierten ' New Deal' aufstellte, um der Großen Depression in den 1930igern entgegenzutreten, berichtet die Zeitung.
Es gibt keine internationale Partnerschaft in der neueren Geschichte, die der Welt besser genutzt hat, als die besondere Partnerschaft zwischen Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten.Brown schreibt in einem Kommentar, der am Sonntag in der Londoner Times veröffentlicht wurde, Browns
Jahrhundert-Coup für das 21. Jahrhundert fordert eine universelle Aktion um eine Ausdehnung der Krise zu vermeiden und zu verwirklichen, daß das Kreditwesen durchstarten kann, so daß Familien und Geschäfte wieder Kredite aufnehmen können. Es erfordert ebenso eine Reform der internationalen Ausführungsrichtlinien die Schließung behördlicher Lücken und die Schaffung eines internationalen Frühwarnsystems.
Was den Amerikanern durch die Propaganda der öffentlichen Medien nicht erzählt wurde, ist, daß die globale ökonmische Krise, welche ihre Nation zerstört, laut Ed Balls, dem früheren britischen Schatzkämmerer Großbritanniens in der Tat einen weitaus größeren Tribut von Europa verlangt. Sogar nach Ausgabe von Millionen von Pfund, um den Staat zu retten, sieht sich Großbritannien der
schlimmsten Finanzkrise seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert gegenüber, welche sogar noch die große Depression der !930er Jahre übertrifft.
Zur wirtschaftlichen Not, die Europas größte Volkswirtschaft, nämlich Deutschland betrifft, können wir auch lesen: Die globale Finanzkrise droht Deutschland und den Rest der EU mit Orkan-artiger Kraft in den nächsten drei bis sechs Monaten zu treffen, Deutschland erduldet schon die schlimmste Rezession seit 1990. Und da der Welthandel schrumpft und die Entlassungswelle ansteigt, können Deutschlands rückläufige Aktiengeschäfte die 27-Staaten-EU zerstückeln.
Die düstere Wahl, mit der sich Präsident Obama bei der Rettung seines Landes gemäß diesen Berichten konfrontiert sieht, liegen in seiner grundlegenden Abkehr der Vereinigten Staaten von seinen historischen Allianzen mit den Europäern, Chinesen und Israelis, deren produktions- und
finanziell- basierten ökonomischen Modelle seit dem 2. Weltkrieg entwickelt und vergrößert wurden.hin zu jenen die reich an natürlichen Ressourcen sind, wie Russland ( Öl, Gas, Erze, Holz, Wasser ), dem Mittleren Osten ( Öl, Gas ), und Südamerika ( Öl, Gas, Erze, Wasser ), die bestimmen werden, welche Staaten im 21. Jahrhundert überleben. Aber um diese gigantische Veränderung durchzuführen, nimmt Präsident Obama nicht nur den vollen Zorn seiner traditionellen Allierten in Kauf, sondern auch die Wut seines eigenen Kongresses darüber, der eine fiktive Armee von ausländischen Lobbyisten gekauft und bezahlt hat und vor denen Obama in seiner Ansprache an
das amerikanische Volk letzten Samstag gewarnt hat.
Das System, das wir jetzt haben, arbeitet schon viel zu lange für die schlagkräftigen und untereinander gut abgestimmten Interessen Washingtons, aber ich werde es nicht fortführen. Ich arbeite für das Amerikanische Volk. Ich weiss, daß diese Schritte von den Lobbyisten nicht gern gesehen werden, die in den alten Weg der Geschäftemacherei investiert haben und ich weiss, daß sie
darauf brennen sich mit mir anzulegen. Meine Antwort darauf: Mögen sie ruhig kommen!
Das Amerikanische Volk weiß jedoch ebenfalls, wie tödlich dieser Kampf werden kann, vor allem, da ihre Nation der schlimmsten Krise ihrer ganzen Geschichte gegenübersteht und wie kürzlich der bekannte CNN-Kommentator artikulierte und der sagte:
Die Zinsen für die Staatsschulden werden dieses oder nächstes Jahr auf 500 Billionen $ jährlich herangehen. Unser Land versinkt im Treibsand der Insolvenz, so sicher wie die Opfer der Wohnungsbaudarlehen, die ihre Arbeit und ihre Häuser verloren haben und zusehen müssen, wie ihre Ersparnisse an der Börse verdampfen.
Die gegenwärtige schnellt auf annähernd 12 Trillionen $ empor. Die Kosten für das Konjunkturprogramm und die Rettungspläne ( und Konjunkturprogramm ist nur ein anderes Wort für Rettungsplan ) werden weitergehen und weiterbestehen, weil sie mit Geld bezahlt werden müssen, das wir nicht haben.
Wir starren auf ungedeckte Verbindlichkeiten für Krankenversicherung und Sozialfürsorge in einer Höhe von Trillionen von Dollars. Woher soll das Geld kommen? Wir müssen entweder die Steuern erhöhen oder die Sozialleistungen kürzen. Es gibt keine anderen Möglichkeiten.
Die geburtenstarken Jahrgänge beginnen aufzuhören und die Bevölkerung wird einen immer größeren Teil dieser Programme aufzehren. Sie wrden auch in ausreichender Anzahl vorhanden sein, um die politische Agenda für die vorhersehbare Zukunft. zu lenken Denken Sie, die Jungen wollen weniger soziale Sicherheit und weniger Gesundheitsvorsorge ?.Denken Sie nochmal darüber nach.
Die nachfolgende Generation eird für all das zahlen müssen. Es sind nicht mehr genug gute Jobs in diesem Land übrig um all diese Rechnungen bezahlen zu können.
Letztendlich müssen wir für weniger Geld arbeiten. Weniger Geld, kleinere Häuser, kleinere Autos und kleinere Träume. Dies ist nicht mehr das Land eurer Väter. Und wir würden besser daran tun, uns danach zu richten.
Obama Breaks With Europe And Israel
For your information
Kind ergards
> Betreff: Obama Breaks With Europe And Israel, Plans June, 2009 State Of Emergency Rule
March 2, 2009
> Obama Breaks With Europe And Israel, Plans June, 2009 State Of
> Emergency Rule
> Russian Foreign Ministry reports on the upcoming meeting between
> President Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are stating that
> the new US President is preparing to fully break with his European
> Allies over the handling of the worst Global Economic Crisis since the
> Great Depression and has marked June 1, 2009 as the deadline for his
> own Congress to adopt his emergency measures, after which these reports
> say he will declare that America is in an economic State of Emergency
> and fight for its very survival which will require his rule by edict and
> suspension of all rights and normal laws.
> The Times of London reports Brown, who arrives in the US on Tuesday will
> present the European Unions plan for Global recovery that: Will
> reportedly introduce a plan requiring massive spending on a worldwide
> scale.
> The prime minister is expected to invoke the words of President Franklin
> D. Roosevelt, who proposed the government-financed New Deal to confront
> the Great Depression in the 1930s, the paper reports.
> There is no international partnership in recent history that has served
> the world better than the special relationship between Britain and the
> United States, Brown writes in an opinion piece published Sunday in the
> Times of London. Brown's 21st century deal calls for universal action
> to prevent the crisis spreading and action to kick-start lending so
> that families and businesses can borrow again. It also requires reform
> of international regulation to close regulatory gaps and the creation
> of an international early warning system.
> Not being told to the American people by their propaganda media organs
> is that the Global Economic Crisis which is destroying their Nation is,
> in fact, taking an even greater toll on Europe, where according to Ed
> Balls, former British Economic Secretary to the Treasury, the UK, even
> after spending billions of pounds to save their Nation, is facing its
> worst financial crisis for more than a century -- surpassing even the
> Great Depression of the 1930s.
> To the economic woes facing the European Unions largest economy,
> Germany, we can also read:
> The global financial crisis threatens to strike Germany - and the rest
> of the European Union - with hurricane-like force in the next three to
> six months. As the world's leading exporter and Europe's primary
> economic engine, Germany is already enduring its worst recession since
> 1990. And as world trade shrinks and layoffs mount, Germany's downward
> spiral could further fragment the 27-nation EU.
> The grim choices being faced by President Obama in the saving of his
> Nation though, according to these reports, lie in his radically shifting
> the United States away from its historic alliances with European,
> Chinese and Israeli service, production and financial based economic
> models developed and enlarged since World War II, to one of being energy
> and natural resourced driven which then aligns it with Russia (oil, gas,
> minerals, lumber, water.), the Middle East (oil, gas) and South America
> (oil, gas, minerals, water) which will determine the Nations that
> survive into the 21st Century.
> In making this titanic shift, however, President Obama faces the full
> wrath of not only his Nations traditional allies, but also that of his
> own US Congress that has been bought and paid for by a virtual army of
> corporate and foreign based lobbyists, and who in his speech to the
> American people this past Saturday Obama warned:
> The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected
> interests that have run Washington for far too long, but I don't. I work
> for the American people. I know these steps won't sit well with the
> special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing
> business, and I know they're gearing up for a fight, my message to them
> is this: So am I.
> Little do the American people know however how deadly this fight is
> going to be as their Nation faces its worst crisis in its entire
> history, and as briefly articulated by the noted CNN commenter Jack
> Cafferty, and who said:
> The interest on the national debt will approach $500 billion a year
> this year or next. Our country is sinking into the quicksand of
> insolvency as surely as the victims of subprime mortgages who have lost
> their jobs and their houses and watched their savings evaporate in the
> stock market decline.
> The current national debt is soaring past $12 trillion. The costs of the
> stimulus packages and bailouts (and stimulus package is just another
> word for bailout) are being tacked on and passed on because they are
> being paid for with money we don't have.
> We are staring at unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security
> in the tens of trillions of dollars. Where's that money going to come
> from? We have to either raise taxes or cut benefits. There are no other
> options.
> The baby boomers are starting to retire and will consume an ever larger
> share of these entitlement programs. They will also age in sufficient
> numbers to drive the political agenda for the foreseeable future. Think
> they're going to want less Social Security and less Medicare? Think
> again.
> The generation coming along behind them that will be asked to pay for
> all this can't. There are not enough good jobs left in this country to
> pay those kinds of bills.
> At the end of the day, we are going to have to settle for less. Less
> money, smaller houses, smaller cars and smaller dreams. This is not your
> father's country anymore. And we had better all start getting used to
> it.
> To the greatest danger facing President Obama and the American people,
> and indeed the whole World, in this battle for who is ultimately going
> to rule the United States we can further read:
> According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the
> RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon
> in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power
> in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession.
> A fierce debate has now ensued in China about who that foreign power may
> be, with China itself as well as Russia and even Japan suspected to be
> the targets of aggression.
> The reports cite French media news sources as having uncovered the
> proposal, in which RAND suggested that the $700 billion dollars that has
> been earmarked to bailout Wall Street and failing banks instead be used
> to finance a new war which would in turn re-invigorate the flagging
> stock markets.
> The RAND Corporation is a notoriously powerful NGO with deep ties to the
> U.S. military-industrial complex as well as interlocking connections
> with the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations.
> Even today we can see the seeds of this Global War being sown within the
> US Military Establishment where just yesterday the Secretary of Defense,
> Robert Gates, stated to the NBC television's Meet The Press programme
> that Iran is not close to having a nuclear weapon, which gives the
> United States and others time to try to persuade Tehran to abandon its
> suspected atomic arms program., but at nearly the exact same time was
> countermanded by the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral
> Mike Mullen, who said on a competing US television network that, The
> United States now believes that Iran has amassed enough uranium that
> with further purification could be used to build an atomic bomb.
> Equally important to note about the growing instability occurring in
> President Obamas government is its growing war against the Zionist
> power bloc in both its own Nation and in Israel, and best typified by
> these two reports:
> February 17th: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday hailed a
> decision by the United States to take part in a UN-led conference on
> racism in Geneva in April after it walked out on the previous session on
> the ground that the conference is anti-Semitism.
> February 27th: The United States won't participate in a U.N. conference
> on racism in April unless the final document is changed to drop all
> references to Israel and criticism of religion, a senior U.S. official
> said Friday.
> Russian Intelligence reports state that President Obamas Chicago point
> man, and current White House Chief of Staff, Raum Emanuel, who holds
> duel American-Israeli citizenship due to his Jewish birth, is
> spearheading the United States coming break with the European Union and
> Israeli Zionists and has put into power, with President Obamas full
> support, the Masonic-Islamic power bloc that has been built over these
> past 150 years to break the power of the Rothschild Banking Empire over
> the United States forever.
> Virtually unknown to the American people is that President Obama, and
> his allies, have long been nurtured by the Chicago based Nation of Islam
> and the ancient Knight Templar Masons to reclaim the United States for
> its peoples who were envisioned by its founding Masonic fathers to be
> the hope for an entire World facing the catastrophic Earth changes long
> known to be occurring this very decade.
> Surprisingly, even today very few Americans realize that the Chicago
> based Nation of Islam has long been known as one of the most powerful of
> the Masonic organizations established for these end times battles now
> occurring, and as we can see evidenced by the works of the writer David
> Livingston, and who writes:
> I've been taking a closer look at the writings of Wesley Williams, and
> I am shocked. I had no idea the Nation of Islam was so enmeshed with
> Freemasonry. Enmeshed is an understatement, the two are basically one
> and the same.
> Looking at his The Book of God, he basically sets the history of the
> occult in reverse, where it is the "true Islam". Everything is there.
> The Sons of God or Nephilim, also the Fallen Angels, are God, a man,
> and his council. They have been guiding the select of humanity ever
> since. He even places them in Shamballah in the Gobi desert, being
> the same as the Great White Brotherhood, or the Hidden Chiefs of
> Hidden Masters of the occult.
> The entire history of the occult is co-opted to his version of Islam,
> including Gnosticism, the Templars and Cathars, and the Holy Grail. He
> invokes Masonic historian Manly P. Hall as a source, and also Blavatsky,
> an avowed Satanist. He even has a chapter about the Masonic secret,
> which he correctly explains is that Man is God.
> It should be noted about Mr. Livingstons writings, however, that they
> put forth this true knowledge in the context of his ancient Christianity
> belief system that stands diametrically opposed to ours, and which is
> best exampled in the Sorcha Faals seminal book of warning Battle
> Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors
> which lays bare the most accurate and historic basis for these end time
> days and its ultimate final outcome foretold about even by the great
> seer Michel de Nostradamus, and who said:
> When those of the arctic pole are united together,
> Great terror and fear in the East:
> Newly elected, the great trembling supported,
> Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood. Quatrain 6:21
> To President Obamas having to impose upon his people a State of
> Emergency, putting into his hands the ultimate and final power of his
> Nations destiny, there should be no surprise at all, for if our World is
> to survive it cannot be done without these Americans, who though not
> realizing it themselves, are, indeed, our Earths final hope against
> those ancient monsters seeking to destroy us all.
> And, as British newspapers are reporting that, Top secret contingency
> plans have been drawn up to counter the threat posed by a summer of
> discontent in Britain, and as Project Endgame has begun in the United
> States threatening to imprison their best and brightest citizens, a
> World standing at the very brink of Total Destruction awaits the full
> awakening of these Americans to support their new President seeking to
> save not just them, but our entire Earth.
> But, for those weak souls not able to realize the full import of these
> catastrophic events to come, let them be further warned as The Master
> Conjunction of 2009 2011 is now upon us all leaving President Obama no
> choice but to act by June, 2009 as The Crosses of Summer, 2010, are
> nearly upon us.
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