[http://dellplatz.de.tc] Wohnheimforum! - Bordregeln

Board rules and Staff

Board rules and Staff

For contents of third party sites we reject all and any liability. For the contents of the Dellplatz message board the authors are to be held responsible.

Goal of the Dellplatz message board is to make life in the students’ hostel more comfortable.

§1 Netiquette
In general the “Netiquette” is valid (Please visit Yanip.de for details). The social intercourse is to be polite. Insulting, obscene, vulgar, slanderous or violence-glorifying statements are not allowed. The following applies: “Treat others the same way you want to be treated.”

§2 Language
No postings in languages other than German or English

§3 Contents
a) Postings that are questionable under criminal law or contain offensive contents of any kind (expressions, text, pictures, links) are forbidden
b) Private conversation is not allowed (please use e-mail)
c) The same posting is only allowed in one section
d) No spam
e) Choose the right section for your posting
f) Choose a good subject for your posting
g) BEFORE posting use the search-option to avoid unnecessary postings
h) Posting details from other members (Phone number, e-mail address, etc.) is not allowed

§4 Moderation- and instruction authority
a) The moderator-/administrator-team reserve the right to check postings and to modify or delete passages violating §§ 1, 2 or 3
b) Instructions by the moderator-/administrator-team are to be observed

§5 Sanction right
Users offending §§ 1, 2, 3a, 3d or 3h will be deleted and banned forever without warning. In all other cases of violation of the board rules the moderator-/administrator-team reserve the right to take appropriate actions against the user.

§5 Other
The user accepts these rules by signing in to the message board. He engages himself to follow these rules to the best of his knowledge and belief and to accept consequences arising from this.

Signed the Dellplatz message board moderator-/administrator-team

Ulli Koeth
Room 420
var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'forum'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'dellplatz'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'de';document.writeln(''+e+'');support@dellplatzde

Kunal Sachdeva
Room 402
var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'sachkunal'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'web'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'de';document.writeln(''+e+'');support@webde