FEGAT – CUP 2007 in Prague The Program:

FEGAT – CUP 2007 in Prague The Program:

FEGAT – CUP 2007  in Prague,
Czech Republic, 16. – 19.11.2007

  The Program:

1.  day : Friday, November 16th

During the day individual arrival to the Hotel (12:00 – 18:00 o’clock)
19:00 – 19:30 Leaving from the Hotel to the center of Prague
20:00        Welcome dinner in the Casino Fortuna with drawing of horses taking part in the European Championship, basic technical information concerning racing rules in Czech Republic (video with Czech races)
cca 22:30    Leaving back for the Hotel
2. day : Saturday, November 17th

9:30        Bus leaves Hotel for the race track 
10:00     Arrival to the race track Velká Chuchle, Prague 5, brunch in the VIP
11:00 – 11:30     Start of 1st race of the racing day (4 races of FEGAT-CUP )
16:00 – 16:30  Bus leaves race track back for sportive–banquet with driving go-karts
17:00        Banquet and dinner with the Prizegiving Ceremony of the Winners of FEGAT, later in the night : Night Adventure in Prague
3. day : Sunday, November 18th

10:00    Bus leaves Hotel for visit of very old gothic Castle of Karlstejn cca 30 km from Prague
13:00    Lunch in typical Czech restaurant
15:00    Visit of some trotting centre and stud farm with short afternoon-coffee-break/or Sightseeing tour through Prague
18:00    Arrival back to the Hotel, official end of the Championship, free evening

4. day : Monday, November 19th - Individual departure till 12:00 o’clock


     Enjoy some autumn days in Prague and do not miss Saturday-night-adventure in the mysterial narrow streets of Old Prague !! After adrenaline-full go-karts races you will be a little afraid during your top-secret night adventure !!
    Then you can enjoy a rest at beautiful and world-famous very old castle of Karlstejn built by famous Czech king Charles IV. (on Sunday).

We are really looking forward to wellcome you in Prague.
    Please, send us the enclosed ENTRY-FORM latest till 17th October, we must make the final Hotel-Reservation latest on this day, otherwise we can not manage any accommodation for you in Prague. Please, understand well, that also in November the number of tourists in Prague is very high and that it is not easy at all to ensure you a really nice comfortable Hotel. The entry fee for FEGAT-CUP is 700 EUR per each person taking part in the programme 16.-19.11.2007. This entry-fee is to be transfered to our bank account till October 17th.

  Hereby all information concerning our Bank 
1/ Owner of account :
Česká klusácká asociace
Radotínská 69
CZ-159 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic

2/ Name and addresse of our Bank :
U národní galerie 478
CZ – 156 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
IBAN : CZ3706000000000151530906
Number of Account: 151530906/0600

Should you need some more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
TEL 00420-257940250
FAX 00420-257941087
mobil  00420-602-266337
E-mail : var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'trotting'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'czetra'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'cz';document.writeln(''+e+'');trotting@czetracz

  We will also need photo of the face of your representative per E-mail and short curriculum vitae (history of life, hobbies etc.) 

Best regards from Prague. Yours sincerely,
MVDr.Helena Pokorná, President of Czech Trotting Association
Prague, 1st October 2007