F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

Übertrag aus dem alten FORUM - Autor: Gerhard
Dies ist mein erster
Eintrag hier im Forum und ich darf mitteilen, dass die diesjährige
Europameisterschaft der Amateurfahrer in Salzburg am 7. und 8.
September 2007 stattfindet.

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Liebe Grüße

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Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

F.E.G.A.T. - 2007

Damen-Europameisterschaften 2007
European Championship for Ladies 2007

Denmark 22.-25. Mai 2007

Herren-Europameisterschaften 2007

European Championship for Gentlemen 2007

Austria/Salzburg 7./8. September 2007


Prag/Czech.Rep. 2007 (between 16th October and 19th November)

Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

To Denmark :

is there already a program for the ladies european championship in may??


patrick Debode

Belgian Amateur Club

Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

I hope to receive the definite program (in english!)
from Denmark in the next days...

Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007


I just have seen the program for EC ladies in Denmark. The FEGAT General Assembly is planed the 24 may. At 10 o clock they leave the hotel for a city sightseeing. I hope that the Assembly is planed to be finished before 10 o clock or can we not do the general assembly on monday 21 may ?

Patrick Debode
Secretary Of the Belgian Amateur Club

Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

Please note:

The posted program on www.fegat.info (Denmark) is not definite!
We are waiting the definite program in the next days...
Anyway - the FEGAT General Assembly is fixed on may 24th!

See also the calendar in this forum

Re: F.E.G.A.T. Meisterschaften 2007

Dear members,

I think that it is now time to have the official program of the Europeen Championship for ladies in Denmark. It is important that we can book our flights as soon as possible to have cheap flights!!! Everybody knows that flights are very expensive the last 6 weeks before departure. It is also necessary to have as soon as possible the program, so that everybody, in each country, can organise their trip to Denmark. A lot of participants have also another job, and has to organise holiday at their work.

In attend to receive the ofiicial program,


Patrick Debode

secretary Belgian Amateur Club

I absolutely agree with you!!!

Zitat: patrick debode

Dear members,

I think that it is now time to have the official program of the Europeen Championship for ladies in Denmark. It is important that we can book our flights as soon as possible to have cheap flights!!! Everybody knows that flights are very expensive the last 6 weeks before departure. It is also necessary to have as soon as possible the program, so that everybody, in each country, can organise their trip to Denmark. A lot of participants have also another job, and has to organise holiday at their work.

In attend to receive the ofiicial program,


Patrick Debode

secretary Belgian Amateur Club

I absolutely agree with you!!!
Since more than 2 months i'm sending out
innumerable letters to L.L.
Two times i send him also all the necessary papers
to make the invitation (Rules, Entry Form etc.)
Now we (Claes L. Ljung and me) are in direct
contact with FDT to arrange things...

F.E.G.A.T. - General secretary
Fredy Moder