Karen Hollander - New Zealand Amateur Champion

Karen Hollander - New Zealand Amateur Champion

Karen Hollander - New Zealand Amateur Champion

I have been interested in harness racing for years through
racing horses in syndicates and breeding. It was always a
dream to be able to be more involved in the industry so when
the first amateur drivers course was offered it was my
husband Steve who booked onto the first course. After
watching him from the sideline and in a supporting role
around the stables, Steve suggested that I do the course as
well. I completed the amateur course, drove the 10 novice
races and sat my time trial all in time to begin the series
in September 2004. I had to obtain a license to train as
well so that we could train our amateur horses at home.

The things that I love about being involved in amateur
driving is the comradery amongst the drivers along with the
competitive nature of our races. There is a lot of trust
between you and your horse and when the mobile gate takes
off and you are sitting behind a horse, the speed and
adrenaline rush is immense. Being able to drive at Addington
and Alexandra Park and not looking from the sideline is a
buzz and you really have to pinch yourself at times.

We have a lot of fun during the series and everyone is very
supportive of each other. We also have the opportunity to
drive against International teams and I recently enjoyed
that experience driving against a team from the USA and
Wales. Travelling to International locations to compete is
also readily available. In July our first series against
Australia will take place in Queensland in a series of races
just before the Bledisloe Cup.

My biggest achievement is winning the New Zealand Amateur
Championship in my first year of driving and going to the
World Championship in Austria to represent New Zealand.

Quelle: http://www.hrnz.co.nz/