

Wer kennt diesen netten jungen Mann, auf dem miserablen Foto aus dem Jahre 1994?
Who knows this nice young man, in the bad picture from the year 1994?

Re: Quiz...

Of course I know this famous man! It is no less than the famous ****** amateur ***** *******! However - like Samson ornery brought to sleep by Delilah he was taken away some of his grace by cutting the hair... Good that we find men strong enough to fight back and refuse!  

Re: Quiz...

Jimmy Hendrix ???  

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...notre president Ljung - en tant qu'étudiant a Paris - il y a plusieurs années?

Re: Quiz...

L'idée avec le president M Ljung etait pas mal - mais il a pas besoin de lunettes - il regarde tout meme en dormant! Peut etre Jimi Hendrix est meilleur comme sugestion? Mais il etait deja mort...