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Isn't it cute?

Isn't it cute?

John Stamos 'adopts' Full House twins as his own:
STAR April 9, 1991 Stephen Biens FULL HOUSE star John Stamos, living the single life since splitting with singer Paula Abdul, has two special girls in his life: identical twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, 5, who together play Michelle on the show. Stamos' pals say the 27-year-old bachelor has opened his heart to the twins as if they were his own childrenn. "John simply adores Mary-Kate and Ashley," says a friend. "He always finds time to be with them. And they love hime just as much, if not more. If things get too boring on the set, he'll take them by the hand and lead them on an adventure' around the studio." Although Stamos admits he's often too shy to meet women, he seems very comfortable with the pintsized ladies in his life. "John's been seen watching cartoons or videos with one twin snuggled up in each of his arms," says the friend. "He's even bought them videos of Sleeping Beauty and The Little Mermaid, which they love to watch with him." Stamos has also taken the twins to Disneyland. Although there's someone hired specically to teach the twins their lines, Stamos also pitches in. "He's very patient," says the friend. "It also seems they want to please him, so they learn their parts even faster." Many times Stamos explains to the kids what the cast is acting out so they aren't upset by what's going on. An insider says: "When there's a scene in which John or the others have to fight, he makes sure the girls understand by telling them, 'Remember, we're all good friends. Don't get upset. We're not angry with each other: We're just acting." There are several reasons the twins like to spend so much time with Stamos. "Besides loving him like a big brother or uncle, he genuinely takes time out for them," says the friend. "When the Gulf war broke out, Jarnie the twins' mother told John they were having nightmares about it. He was alarmed and took them aside and tried to explain in very simple terms what was happening. He told them there was a conflict between our country and another and that while war isn't a nice thing, sometimes it's the only way a disagreement can be resolved." After the talk, Mary-Kate and Ashley started sleeping soundly again and no longer worried that a bomb would hit their house. Stamos has also showered the girls with surprise gifts including Beach Boy T-shirts and records and New Kids on the Block dolls. The insider adds: "He told me, 'I love those kids. I guess being raise Italian, I was always taught children should be included. Since they're a part of the show-- and of my life--how could I not include them?" "When he and Paula were together," adds the insider, "they talked about marriage and kids." But John realized that he'd want the mother of his children to be around and not working, which is one reason why he and Paula broke up last year. "He told me, "I can't see having children and then having them raised by nannies and maids. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but to me, a family is a serious commitment. I'm not ready yet, but when I am I hope that I'm blessed with beautiful children like Mary-Kate and Ashley."Quelle: http://members.tripod.com/~MKAHugeFan/JohnAdopts.html


Ich find das soooo süß

Re: Isn't it cute?

Oh danke fur die Quelle !! Hat mich echt gerührt !! "schmunzel" Ich finde das auch unheimlich süß von John dass er sich so liebevoll um die Olsen Zwillinge kümmert !! Er soll ja Mary-Kate immer in der Klinik besucht haben und alles...Leider verstehe ich nicht alles in dem Text weil mein Englisch noch nicht so ganz perfeckt ist aber was solls !! Kann nicht einer mal versuchen es zu übersetzen ?? Dass währe ja auch für andere gut die überhaupt kein Englisch können !!

Währe echt spitze !!!

Re: Isn't it cute?

ich finds voll schön, dass man auch privatlich so ein tollen verhältnis aufbauen kann. aber kein wunder. die hatten schließlich soo viel miteinander zu tun und das viele viele viele jahre lang. ich denke mal, dass die anderen sich toll untereinander verstanden haben.

Re: Isn't it cute?

Und das alles dank FULL HOUSE *seufz*

Re: Isn't it cute?

einfach toll!!!!!!! da könnte ich heulen

full house is the best sitcome ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Isn't it cute?

Wie süß! Ich werde mal versuchen, den Text in den nächsten Tagen zu übersetzen, denke ich.

"Lebe jeden Tag so, als wäre es dein letzter- denn irgendwann wirst du Recht damit haben...!"
Genieße dein Leben!

Re: Isn't it cute?

Re: Isn't it cute?

ich finde die bilder voll süß wo john mk oder ash auf dem arm hat.das aus einer geschäftlichen beziehung so viel werden kann!!!!!

mein 600.beitrag!!!!!!!!!man hab ich viel .
nach so viel arbeit geh ich erstmal

full house is the best sitcome ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Isn't it cute?

Ich kann mich nur sämtlichen Meinungen anschließen... niedlich...

Re: Isn't it cute?

Wollte nur Bescheid sagen, dass ich den Text schon fertig übersetzt habe und ihn posten werde, sobald ich Zeit habe, in den nächsten Tagen irgendwann.

"Lebe jeden Tag so, als wäre es dein letzter- denn irgendwann wirst du Recht damit haben...!"
Genieße dein Leben!