At first, all my apologizes for not speaking german. My name is Alain, and I own a small succulents nursery in S. W. France. I've discovered your forum mostly by RSS feeds, in which pictures speak by themselves I'm particularly involved in Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae more as collector than as nurserymen. I my country, these plants do not deserve the place they should. May be because of their ability to rot, and by the fact that the main stems are often dying and that you frequently need to regenerate them. Anyway, I think that it is interesting to share knowledge, help and being helped to identify, swap, and so on
Na, also !
Re: Allow me to introduce myself
Hallo Alain, welcome in this Forum, i wish you a lot of nice communication. I hope you can understand my very bad english. :-(
Re: Allow me to introduce myself
Welcome Alain,
I hope you enjoy this community! Nice to have people from different countrys here. :-)
By the way: I know your online-shop and actually ordered some plants from you. Really good quality!
Greetings, Kasia
Re: Allow me to introduce myself
Hello Alain,
heartily wellcome here; we are looking forward to your posts!
Alles Liebe Sabel
Re: Allow me to introduce myself
Guten tag alle,
Thanks for your welcome. Nice to meet you again Kasia. How good is the english of everyone here doesn't really matter. I thank in advance all those who will be nice to correspond in Shakespeare's language. And for the others, I'll use google tools! Even if their translation is often weird, it is often enough to understand the main ideas!
Bis bald
Re: Allow me to introduce myself
Welcome Alain! I (try to) write in english, too. This is a fantastic forum, with fantastic people that welcome those that don't know the German language, as you and me ;-)
Paola Michelazzo 44° 45' 22.65" N 7° 49' 30.65" E
RE : Allow me to introduce myself
Hallo Alain , I have the impression we know each-other from the other French forum, is that possible ???? (plantmanniac???)
Greetings from Belgium ( et bien le bonjour en France !!)
Leroy Albert Wavre Belgium
-----Message d'origine----- De : Afroplants [] Envoyé : jeudi 27 novembre 2008 11:55 À : Asclepius - Asclepsliebhaber/innen stellen sich vor Objet : Allow me to introduce myself
Hallo alle,
At first, all my apologizes for not speaking german. My name is Alain, and I own a small succulents nursery in S. W. France. I've discovered your forum mostly by RSS feeds, in which pictures speak by themselves I'm particularly involved in Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae more as collector than as nurserymen. I my country, these plants do not deserve the place they should. May be because of their ability to rot, and by the fact that the main stems are often dying and that you frequently need to regenerate them. Anyway, I think that it is interesting to share knowledge, help and being helped to identify, swap, and so on
Na, also !
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