Acting in Flensburg / the pilkentafel

Acting in Flensburg / the pilkentafel

if someone is interested in our project work? Here some news.
Okey we plan to change our topic a bit. We wanted to work about Art at unusual places but it was hard to work on in in Flensburg and we thought that i wouldn t be easier in Trbovlje. So now we want to work on the pilkentafel (www.pilkentafel.de). The Pilkentafel is a little theatre in Flensburg and they are very famous. Not only in Flensburg, they are more famous in the rest of the world. They work with youngsters and so on. So we wanted to study them. Now my question to you. Do you have in Trbovlje also a theatre or a theatre group or something like this???

up to now later news LATER.

greetz your maxxx