Spiketten-Forum - Buffy!

Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)

Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)

da buffy nun bald vorbei ist . dachte ich dass so ein beitrag ganz nett wäre. so können wir immer noch in erinnerungen schweben.
also ich fang mal an. das Zitat ist noch recht neu aber ich finds nur noch geil

Spike: Es gibt nur eins dessen ich mir immer sicher war und das bist du . Hey sieh mich an. Ich verlangen nichts von dir gar nichts. Wenn ich sage ich liebe dich dann nicht weil ich dich will oder weil ich dich nicht haben kann. Es geht hier auch nicht um mich. Ich liebe dich um deinetwillen. Das was du bist das was du tust. Ich kenne deine Güte und deine Stärke. ich hab deine besten und deine schlimmsten Seiten gesehen und ich weiß genau wie du bist da kann mir keiner irgendwas erzählen. Du bist ne Wahnsinnsfrau. Du bist die eine Buffy.

Buffy: Ich will nicht die eine sein

Spike: Und ich will nicht so sportlich sein und so gut aussehen. wir haben alle unsere probleme.

ich könnt da immer dahinschmachten........ :wow: .

Spike: When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I've seen your kindness and you're strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
Buffy: I don't wanna be the one.
Spike: Well, I don't wanna be this good-looking athletic. We all have crosses to bear.
Buffy: "I'm in a band. A rock band. With Spike here."
Spike: "Yeah, she plays the triangle."
Buffy: "Drums."
Spike: "Drums, yeah. She's hell on the old skins, you know."
Joyce: "And what are you doing?"
Spike: "Well, I sing"


Spike: "I want to save the world."
Buffy: "Okay. You do remember that you're a vampire, right? "
Spike: "We like to talk big. Vampires do. 'I'm going to destroy the world.' That's just tough guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here. But then someone comes along with a vision. With a real... passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Goodbye, Piccadilly. Farewell, Leicester Bloody Square. You know what I'm saying?"


Kommt aus der Tiefe dich zu verschlingen!!

Re: Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)

Ja genau.

Und meiner:

Spike: Buffy I can feel it
Buffy: What?
Spike: My Soul.It's really there.

Da kann ich immer heulen bei.


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spike: Buffy
Buffy Spike
Spike: I can feel it Buffy
Buffy What?
Spike: My Soul.It's realy there.
Go on it now.
Buffy No,no you don't can still here
Spike: No you've breath him back it is
for me to bleed him up
Buffy Spike
Spike: I meaning I gotta do this
Buffy I love you!!!!
Spike: No you don't (paused/tears),
but thanks for saying it!!!
Now go!!!!

~ 2x22 Chosen (The Final) ~

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!


Do you want to be happy?
Do you want to have fun?
Take on buried treasure
I could be the one...

Hear me,out here...here me,out
I can't describe
Can't just subscribe
I'm telling vision
Glad to be alive

You say I can't relate to you
Some things I need to prove
Can't find the right words to use
Brainwaves won't pass through

~ Blocking Brainwaves ~

Re: Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)

*heul* die szenen sind so schön *schmelz*

ich mach ma was lustiges rein *gg*

Buffybot: Oh Spike, devour me!
Spike: Alright.
Buffybot: Spike, I can't help myself! I love you!
Spike: You're mine, Buffy.
Buffybot: Should I start this program over?
Spike: Shh! No programs, don't use that word. Just be Buffy

*lach* *schmunzel*
lg mia

Re: Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)

Ich ertrinke in meinen Schuhen...

Re: Eure liebsten Buffy "Sprüche" (Zitate)
