Spiketten-Forum - Mysterie!

Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Re: Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Juchuu ich habe recht .
Na also sagte ich doch.
Bin schon so gespannt ob die beiden noch zueinander finden*fg*,ich wünsche es mir ja,da es bei Angel und Cordi ja net geht .

Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Hihi,ja Applaus du hast recht Ja vielleicht wird das ja echt was aber das hat bestimt wieder nen Haken, wie so oft in BtVS oder Angel!

SPIKE: Can we talk?
BUFFY: Vocal cord wise, yes. With each, other, no.
SPIKE: We have to talk.
BUFFY: About what?
SPIKE: Um, whatever. Just conversation. For instance, the weather, the... graves.. the -- (suddenly; strong) We kissed, Buffy.
SPIKE: We kissed, you and me, all 'Gone with the Wind' with the rising music and the rising ... music, and what was that Buffy?
BUFFY: A spell.
~Tabula Rasa~

Re: Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Nein diesmal glaube ich net das es einen Haken hat oder gibt.
Was soll es da auch für einen geben??????

Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Ich weiß ned bei Oz und Willow gab es auch einen und die waren zu der Zeit erst beide noch normal und dann kam die ganze
werwolf Hexen geschichte...
Naja lassen wir uns überraschen .

SPIKE: Can we talk?
BUFFY: Vocal cord wise, yes. With each, other, no.
SPIKE: We have to talk.
BUFFY: About what?
SPIKE: Um, whatever. Just conversation. For instance, the weather, the... graves.. the -- (suddenly; strong) We kissed, Buffy.
SPIKE: We kissed, you and me, all 'Gone with the Wind' with the rising music and the rising ... music, and what was that Buffy?
BUFFY: A spell.
~Tabula Rasa~

Re: Angel-Jäger der Finsternis!

Ja stimmt hast Recht,doch ich glaube das es da nicht sowas gibt.
Es wäre und ist ja nur so,bei Angel und Cordi.
Wenn sich da was anbaht,naja die lieben sich eh schon finde ich,aber wenn sich was anbahnt und sie inner Kiste landen,wird Angel ja wieder zu Angelus und das finde ich echt schade*snief*.
Die beiden sind so süß zusammen

Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.