Jibbs-FC - Jibbs SCs

Love in the Lift ^^

Love in the Lift ^^

Ich habe mal eine Englische SC geschrieben.

Wer Die übersetzung haben will, soll es sagen.

"Murder in the Sunrise Avenue." Gibbs shouted it to his Agents.

"Tony, Ziva and McGee, you’re drive. Fast."

"And what do you do in this time, Boss?", asked Tony in a low voice. In the next minute he pulled his head between his shoulders. He knew what Gibbs will do next.

"Ouch!", whispered the special Agent and pulled his arms up. Gibbs had stood up from his chair, before he gave Tony a blow on his back of the head.

In a very quiet voice say Gibbs: “I will work on a file. Besides, I must speak with Mrs Shepard. It is okay for you, DiNozzo or have you any objections?"

"It`s okay. I don't say anything in the next time."

“Why are you still here?", asked the boss and frowned his forehead.

“I’m away.”

Gibbs smiled and shook his head.

“DiNozzo is also a very funny man.”

He turned around and went to the stairs, which lead in the director floor.

“Jethro.”, a voice sounded behind the agent.

“Jen.”, Gibbs listened and saw over to the lift.

“Where have you been?”

“I had gotten a coffee for us, before I went to you.”, answered the director and gave Gibbs the cup.

“It’s for you.”

“You learn fast.”, Jethro smiled a little bit and took the cup of coffee.

“I learned by the best persons.”, Jen annoyed with Gibbs and laughed quietly.

“You wanted to speak with me, Jethro. Where? In my office or here?”

“Not here.”, said Gibbs and showed to the lift.

“Oh… no. No…”, the director shook her head and went a step back.

“I hate the talks in the lift.”

Gibbs smiled and went to the lift. Jen sighed loudly and went behind Jethro.

“It’s the last time that I do that.”

“Sure.”, Gibbs nodded and pushed the button in the lift. The big grey box stopped in the middle of the route.

Jen saw to Jethro and shrugged one’s shoulders.

“Well, sure you ask yourself now what I want to say to you.”

“That’s right!”, Jen nodded slowly.

“Jen I know, that you will angry with me, but I can’t come to the inventory tomorrow.”

The director frowned her forehead.

“That’s not the true, is it?”


“Jethro. You will expect there.”, said Jen und saw in the eyes from the agent.

“I know this. But I can’t come. We must purify a murderer, you must understand me.”

Jen nodded once more.

“It is not easy for you, sure. But you must come. It’s important for you and your team.”

“Jen, please save me this stupid inventory.”

The director shook her head and answered:

“I will not do that. Either you will come tomorrow or… or…”, Jennifer stopped and think of her words.

“You will see what I do then. One hundred per cent it will be not good for you.”

“Jen.”, Gibbs grumbled.

“No. It’s my seriousness.”

Jethro swallowed violent.

“Where is this inventory at all?”

“Well…. It’s in…”, Jen stopped and let her look went down.

“In… in Paris.”

“Really?”, Gibbs smiled.

“Yeah. It’s in Paris.”, Jen nodded.

Jethro laughed quietly and saw in Jennifer’s eyes.

“You will not come with, right?”

“Why not?”, asked Gibbs and smiled.

“It is the town, where we had had an affair. Have you forgotten all that passed?”, said Jen sad and leaned against the wall from the lift.

“No, I have known all from my and your past. Did you think that really?”

“It was a feeling, that you have forgotten all, because you don’t speak over that and you do also as if it no matter for you.”, answered the director and smiled excuse.

“Jen. It is really important for me. Please believe me. And I hope…”, Gibbs stroked gentle over Jennifer’s cheek.

“…that we do it again.”

Jen smiled and nodded slowly.

“I’m too. I missed this time and I missed you.”

Jethro went to the director and take Jen in his arms.

“I love you still.”, whispered the men. Before Jenny can said something he bended down to her and kissed the woman very delicate.

“I have loved you too until today.”


Re: Love in the Lift ^^

die geschichte ist richtig gut! ich hoffe du schreibst sie noch weiter?