There was a single in 1993 called "Didelidei" with a record from 1984 on it. has anybody this studio-version of that song. I think there is the German Version on this single, but i'm not sure
There was a single in 1993 called "Didelidei" with a record from 1984 on it. has anybody this studio-version of that song. I think there is the German Version on this single, but i'm not sure
hey danny !
i'm looking for this studio version for such a long time - but it seems no one has it !
I will put it to our requests though !
Let's cross our fingers
Schau mal in meine Community bei Street-Songs... Aber, dieses Didelidei ist ein ganz anderes als das von 1993!
Danke, aber das sind leider die live versionen, die ich schon habe. es gibt eine studio version davon, die 1993 mal als single erschienen ist und die suchen wird, trotzdem vielen dank
Take a look here:
maybe someone will get it and make a mp3 out of it.
was there also a newer version than from 1983?I think I heard something about a version from 1992 or something?Do you know anything about that?