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Phili words for me~~~~

Phili words for me~~~~

Liebe LuLu
Alles Gute!

P Lahm

That's exactly amazing~ As u know I'm from China~
And yesterday one journalist from <SOCCER WEEKLY>(The biggest soccer magazine in China) went to Munich to have an interview with Philipp~

Then talked about Chinese Lahmy fans~The journalist referred me~
so he just wrote the words for me~
and i can get the desktop with Philli's words at the end of December~because the journalist will be back to China that time~
so amazing~ exciting~~~

and also a video from Philli to Chinese fans~
can download here

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

still exciting~~~~~~~~~~~~~

and got to go to bed~ too late here in china~

Philipp Fantasti ;-P

Re: Phili words for me~~~~


Re: Phili words for me~~~~

BOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA wie geil ist das denn!!^

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

boah das is ja hammer..... ooooooo mann is das cool

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

i forgot something : the video is very funny... ääähhmmmm.... äääähhmmm.... bei uns ist jetzt schon ziemlich kalt... *löl*

gibts sowas auch für die deutschen Fans????????

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

boah wie geil!!

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

des is ja echt mal geil!

@jana: Welches video meinst du??? sry weiß des gerade ma net?!

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

jana meint das video das lulu reingesellt hat...dieses

ich hab des zwar aber meine boxen sind kaputt...und so nützt mich des nicht viel

Re: Phili words for me~~~~

hihi, wie bitteschön kann man so viele "ähm"s in 20 sekunden unterbringen??? das sollte mal ins guinessbuch der rekorde *lol*