
Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Thanks to Chris (see guestbbok) I came across the following message from Kevin Chalfant, singer of "Hold on to the Vision".

Name:  Kevin Chalfant

E-mail address: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'kevin'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'cliquerecords'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');kevin@cliquerecordscom

Comments: I have read the many email requests asking me to re-release "hold on to your vision in your eyes". I am not ignoring all of you world wide. I have lost contact with the songwriter Frank Harris. It is not legal for me to just record and release a song without the songwriters permission. Some people disregard these rules, but I take them seriously. I will continue to seek him out and I want your help in doing so as well. If anyone cn find Frank, send the info to me and I promise that I will recut the song and make it rock! That is my promise to you, especially my friends in Germany... spread the word! If anyone can send me a good copy of the song, this will be a great help. Email it to me.

Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 10:46:21 PM


Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Im speakless... Really good news.

Wenn du dich wirklich verbessern willst,
musst du dich konzentrieren. Das ist deine Stärke.

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Leute komm schon das ist die moglichkeit auf die wir schon lange gewarten haben. Ich habe schon leute in Slovakia, Czech republic und in France informiert uber dieser post. Und alle suchen fleissig. Einer hat mir gesagt das er wahrscheinlich weisst vo er gerade ist. Es ist nicht 100% aber besser als nichts. Werde euch informieren wenn sich da etwas macht.

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Der Katze ist im Sack.

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Ich meinte die Katze.

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Ist doch kein Grund zu Fluchen. Und was meinst du mit "Die Katze ist im Sack"? Wurde Harris etwa gefunden???

Wenn du dich wirklich verbessern willst,
musst du dich konzentrieren. Das ist deine Stärke.

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Yes, he  has find him. And show him the letter from Kevin Chalfant. He stay now in conntact with him and will informe us. 

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Let's see how long it takes...
..still holding on to that vision in my ears!

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Very Important!
I am a guitar player and I love this song so much!!!!
Is there anybody how is able to send me the notes or chords to that song or could say where I can find them? PLEASE!!!!

Kind regards Tim

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Weiß schon wer mehr darüber?
Oder gibts sonst irgendwelche News über den Song?

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

Hallo gibt es schon neuigkeiten über den Stand der dinge ist ja schon alles etwas her !

Man der Song wird doch ein kassenschlager !

Re: Pixar's "Finding Harris: We want 'Hold on to the Vision'"

look at this website www.frankharrismusic.com. "Frank resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he continues to create music from his heart".

Why doesn't Kevin Chalfant write him an email?

var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'info'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'frankharrismusic'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');info@frankharrismusiccom
