MARVEL CHECKLIST - ... and now for something completely different!

WICHTIG: Das war´s!

Re: WICHTIG: Das war´s!

Zitat: HobieBrown
EmoBrown... "EmoBrown"

Schon wieder ein Charakter für den Comic, den ich nie schreiben werde

Re: WICHTIG: Das war´s!

Zitat: HobieBrown
Hättet ihr das wirklich geglaubt? Quatsch! Ich dachte, da berichtet wieder einer über das PF!

Marvel_b0y: Funkstille

Übrigens, seit 2 Tagen postet Marvel_b0y nicht mehr. Und im vorletzten Eintrag hat wohl ein Mitarbeiter ziemlich heftig geantwortet:

You seem to be under the impression that nobody knows who you are, you pathetic body fat challenged cow. I know (check your handbag) and so does every senior person in the company. If you're wondering why your huge ass isn't out the door by now it's merely because you've set yourself up as cheese, and we're going to catch a mouse all because of you. Isn't that nice?

It's time to grow up. What you wanted to happen was never going to happen. He was laughing at you - laughing that you thought it might happen. And so were we. So now you think it's cool to get revenge by hurting people who had nothing to do with it. What goes around, tubby. Remember - you were warned two weeks ago.