Ant-Man News

Ant-Man News

KIRKMAN bestätigt, dass Cory Walker (Invincible Co-Schöpfer) Ant-Man # 007 und # 008 zeichnet!

Re: Ant-Man News

Wurde Marvel Team-Up nicht genauso eingestellt?

Re: Ant-Man News

Zitat: Vao
Wurde Marvel Team-Up nicht genauso eingestellt?

Der war böse.

Vor der Einstellung müssten aber noch Paco Medina und Andy Kuhn ran. Das würde die Serie über #12 hinausbringen.

Re: Ant-Man News

wie wir alle wissen, steht die cancelation der serie kruz bevor!

Kirkman spricht über das Ende und darüber hinaus:

NRAMA: Even if Ant-Man can't find a way to survive his cancellation, could it be possible to see him peeking in on other super heroines in their showers? Maybe giving a “thumbs up”?

RK: It's certainly possible. He could become the “Where's Waldo of the Marvel Universe”—showing up in every issue, waiting for the reader to find him. That'd be pretty sweet.

Re: Ant-Man News

Zitat: Legacy
NRAMA: Even if Ant-Man can't find a way to survive his cancellation, could it be possible to see him peeking in on other super heroines in their showers? Maybe giving a “thumbs up”?

RK: It's certainly possible. He could become the “Where's Waldo of the Marvel Universe”—showing up in every issue, waiting for the reader to find him. That'd be pretty sweet.Genau DAS meinte ich im Podcast!