Baltimore Convention

Baltimore Convention

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Re: Baltimore Convention

Marvel kauft Dabel Bros auf

During today's Retailer Summit in Baltimore, MD, Marvel Comics announced that they will acquire Dabel Brothers Productions, an independent comic book publisher/production team most noted for adapting fantasy novels into comics written by a collection of best-selling authors.

“We chose to work with each other because we saw that we had mutually beneficial goals, and that we could both improve our businesses by working together,” said Dan Buckley, Publisher of Marvel Comics.

David Gabriel, Vice President of Sales for Marvel Comics, explained the direction Marvel aims to go with Dabel Bros.

“We hope to bring new readers into stores by leveraging these best-selling authors, and reaching a wider-audience than we already are with Marvel’s best-selling super-hero comic books,” said Gabriel.

Les Dabel, one of the founders of Dabel Brothers Prod. said the biggest benefit of working with Marvel will be “access to Marvel’s artists and writers."

Creatively, Dabel said Dabel Bros. will retain its consistency.

“We plan to continue the same way have, only now with Marvel’s editorial support,” said Dabel.

Headlining first from Marvel and Dabel Bros. is fan-favorite, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, written by Laurell K. Hamilton. As a way to cement the publishers’ partnership, the comic will feature a cover by superstar artist Greg Horn.

The tale chronicles Blake’s alternate-universe battle against vampires, zombies, and werewolves who have been declared “legal beings” by the U.S. government.

While Marvel confirms there are no immediate plans for crossovers between Marvel and Dabel Brothers’ respective universes, Buckley leaves fans hopeful.

“We have no plans to do any crossovers at this time, but who knows, anything is possible,” said Buckley.

Publications on the horizon from Marvel and Dabel Bros. include Orson Scott Card’s Red Prophet: Tales of Alvin Maker, Raymond Fiest’s The Magician: Apprentice, Ptolus: City by the Spire, and The Hedge Knight.

Loners Runaways Spin-Off

Cebulski und Moline schreiben Loners, eine Serie über das Excelsior Team

Marvel announced at Baltimore today that Brian K. Vaughan’s Runaways spin-off team The Loners will be getting their own series in January at the hands of writer C.B. Cebulski (X-Men Fairy Tales, Drain), artist Karl Moline (Fray, Route 666) and colorist Christina Strain (Runaways, Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane). Cebulski said the series will be picking up on loose ends left by both Vaughan and writer Brian Michael Bendis.

“It’s going to be picking up the concept that Vaughan originally had for the series in the first arc of the second run of Runaways, which was the superhero self-help group,” Cebulski explained. “It’s a group of former teen superheroes who are trying their best to stay out of the costumes, not use their powers and live normal lives again.”

The group that originally appeared in Runaways was founded by Phil Urich and Michiko Musahi (Turbo) and included already established characters in the Marvel Universe such as Darkhawk, Chamber and Lightspeed.

“At this point, Runaways is not going to be crossing over into it,” said Cebulski, who collaborated with the book’s writer when formulating Loners.

“Vaughan has been supportive of me on this from day one, and he’s given this his blessing,” Cebulski explained. “He gave me some ideas, and then I did the original outline, and then he read it and said, ‘Hey what about this and this?’ and threw in some stuff.”

According to Cebulski, previous Loners will be cast in the series, as well as several new faces.

“We’re going to be introducing over the first six issues, starting in issue one, an already established mainstream Marvel teen superhero who has been screwed up by her costume and her powers over the years,” Cebulski teased. “Fans who read Brian Bendis’ Alias will probably know who that was. We’re going to pick up directly on a thread that he started.”

“There are two other characters,” Cebulski stated. “One is going to be a new version of an older established character, and the other one I don’t want to talk about because it’s going to be a total surprise.”

Cebulski likened the group dynamic of the book to the film “Breakfast Club.”
“You’ve got Julie Powers, who’s the princess; you’ve got Darkhawk, who’s the jock,” he said. “They’re the stereotypes that are represented in the ‘Breakfast Club.’” The writer says the group dynamic he and editor Tom Brevoort have planned for the series is more of an “ensemble cast book” than the typical superhero team premise.

“ There will be the group meeting, like the AA meeting for super-powered teens,” Cebulski said. “Each issue is going to focus on a different set of characters. While issue one will focus on the new member and on Darkhawk, issue #2 is on Ricochet, and some of the other people might not show up at all, so it’s more of an ensemble cast book with rotating members coming in and out rather than a team book with everybody going out there and fighting.”

As for the prospects of writing the team in the rapidly evolving Civil War era, where costumed heroes are forced by law to register with the U.S. government, Cebulski said Marvel’s massive crossover will have an effect on what happens in Loners, but the book will not be a direct tie-in.

“It’s already been established that they’re trying to stay out of costume,” Cebulski clarified. “But the first time there wasn’t a registration act, and now that there is a registration act they’ll be dealing with the ramifications of that. And it does come back to bite them in the a-- later in the series.”

Re: Baltimore Convention

JMS wie geplant an Thor

Eine neue Nova Ongoing, ein Herald of Galactus und Quasar Mini.

Sleepwalker bekommt eine Max-Serie

Der letzte Mohikaner, der Mann mit der eisernen Maske sowie Schatzinsel bekommen eine Comicadapation als GNs

Avengers Crossover mit der Soap Opera Guiding Light von CBS

Spider-Man Family eine neue Spider-Man Serie von mckeever

While Marvel Comics may be known for tossing exclusive announcements out on the con circuit, the Internet and in print, The House of Ideas has also been known for breaking news straight to everyone's favorite source for Wednesday afternoon joy: your local comics retailers.

In the wake of the Baltimore Comic-Con, comic shop owners and employees from across the nation settled in for a retailer summit this evening, and Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada was on hand to drop a slew of newsworthy announcements.

Here's a rundown of some of the announcements:


Spinning out of Civil War, Amazing Spider-Man and Squadron Supreme, scribe J. Michael Straczynski will be taking over the reins on Marvel's recently resurrected thunder god Thor. With creators from Mark Millar to Neil Gaiman having expressed interest in the adventures of the hammered one in the past AND fans craving a Thor monthly since his last series ended in 2004, JMS has plenty on his plate, but with the character's shocking, sales breaking return in Civil War #3, it's never been a better time to be the guardian of Thor.


In the wake of the fan-favorite event that has seen the entirety of the company's cosmic characters ravaged by Negative Zone nasty Annihilus, Marvel will debut three Annihilation spin-offs in the next year. Headlined by a brand new Nova monthly ongoing title, the space-faring initiative will also include a miniseries centering on the many Heralds of Galactus and one involving the supposedly dead superhero Quasar.


Since getting a shot in the arm courtesy of senior editor Axel Alonso last year, Marvel's mature readers imprint has built a strong amount of buzz on fan hopes that the publisher may finally launch a serious horror series that will stick. And soon out of the gate on the heels of titles like the new Hellstorm, the Max imprint will add Marvel characters Foolkiller and Sleepwalker to its stable. While Sleepwalker was last seen in Robert Kirkman's short for Marvel's Epic anthology, no creative team has been announced for this new treatment or the relaunch of Steve Gerber's hooded psychopath.


With their Marvel Adventures line and smart all-ages titles like Runaways having an impact on the kid-friendly worlds of the bookstore and library, Marvel takes the idea of catching new readers one step further with a new line of graphic novel adaptations of classic literature. Illustrated versions of James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans, Alexander Dumas' The Man in the Iron Mask and Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island will all see the shelves in the near future thanks to the pen of the legendary Roy Thomas. Besides being a former Marvel E-i-C, writer of everything from The Avengers to X-Men and a celebrated comics historian, Thomas also has a history of adapting prose fiction to the comics form through years of writing Conan the Barbarian comic tales.


Marvel heroes have always been equally known for their behind-the-scenes escapades as they have been for bashing supervillains, and soon the more melodramatic aspects of the Marvel U will be seen through a whole new "light." In a special crossover that lands the Avengers in the fictional town of Springfield from the long running CBS soap opera "Guiding Light," fans can expect heated hijinx between the likes of Iron Man and the cunning vixens of the Spaulding family. At least that's what we hope!


Hot on the heels of the fun-filled specials featuring every spider themed character from Araña to Spider-Man 2099, writer Sean McKeever will deliver a monthly Spider-Man Family title that will cover the entirety of the Spidey franchise from alternate reality takes on the webhead to lost tales of supporting cast members.

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Interview mit Alan Davis