CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

Re: Cassaday an Fallen Sons!

Irgendwie sollte die Figur mit den New Avenmgers zusammenhängen.

Wie wärs mit Jessica Jones?

Re: Cassaday an Fallen Sons!

Zitat: idur
Irgendwie sollte die Figur mit den New Avenmgers zusammenhängen.

Wie wärs mit Jessica Jones?Das würde sich dann aber mit "most beloved Characters" beißen. So bekannt und beliebt ist die gute Jessica jetzt auch wieder nicht.

Es muss schon irgendjemand wichtigerers sein. Nur leider können wir da die meisten ausschließen. Naja, dauert ja nicht mehr lange. Mittwoch kommt die #7 raus. Dann sind wir alle schlauer.

CIVIL WAR - Whedons Beitrag

Hi and briefly: I walked into the infamous Marvel meeting, where they pitched me civil War. Cool enuf, sez I. Then they pitched the end they were currently going with, wherein the woman whose son is killed breaks up the fight between Cap and Iron Man, much like Joanne Dru in "Red River". Not cool enuf, sez I. If the whole thing rests on Cap and Tony's conflict, and they're gonna fight, I sez sez I, somebody's gotta win. I just pitched that Cap got past Tony's armor and started beating the poo out of him -- thus becoming exactly what Tony had called them all: a superpowered guy taking it out on a powerless human. Cap realizes this and lay down his arms. (But he wins. Eat that, Stark.) That is literally the tale. I said looking around at the destruction of Manhattan didn't have much resonance -- these guys destroy Manhattan all the time! It was the personal act of putting his fist into the face of his powerless one-time friend that would Make Cap feel like a bully, a monster, a Nazi and kiddies, I didn't say much else. (Except that a fight between titans broken up by the 'voice of reason' before it ends is a lame fight indeed.) I didn't know Civil War was gonna envelop the whole universe for a year. I didn't know the entire face of Marvel was changing, and though I heard pitches of what's to come, I don't know what stuck. I think I've been given too much credit for all this. Which is sweet, but I wanted to save you all endless speculation. Which I have done, and now back to work. -j.

Mark Millar über EVERYTHING CIVIL WAR and beyond...

Mark Millar spricht über die Anfänge und das Ende von Civil War! Sehr sehr sehr interessant! Aufmerksam lesen! Ein Prima Bonus zum Event!

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

So, die Auswertung des WIZARD-Multiple-Choice-Civil-War-Bogens!

Which pair of heroes will join the Fantastic Four after Civil War?
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, Human Galactus and Silver Surfer, Storm and Black Panther, She-Hulk and Hawkeye

Which character willingly reveals their secret identity to the world during Civil War?
Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Daredevil, Iron Man

Which hero will choose retirement over registration as a result of the events happening in Civil War?
Iron Fist, Firestar, Falcon, Wonder Man

Which hero is arrested during Civil War?
Captain America, Punisher, Iron Man, Nick Fury

Which two heroes will make their triumphant return in the pages of Civil War?
Thor, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Ant-Man, Hawkeye

Civil War brings out the dark side of one hero. Which one will restort to brutal torture?
Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Namor

Which hero gets beaten into a coma during Civil War?
Kitty Pride, Human Torch, Spider-Woman, Shang-Shi

Which surprising character will join the Avengers at the end of Civil War?
Speedball, Ares (MA), Iron Fist (NA), Hyperion

Which team will be reformed as a result of Civil War?
The Champions, Alpha Flight, X-Force, West Coast Avengers

Which character will switch sides during Civil War?
Mr. Fantastic, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Invisible Woman

Which team will be featured on "America's Most Wanted" during Civil War?
Runaways, Young Avengers, X-Men, Millar & McNiven


Faszinierend, wieviele Pläne schon "damals" feststanden: Champions, FF, Ares, etc. Und auch die Rückkehr von Mar-Vell! Umso enttäuschender das Ergebnis in RETURN! Wenn das schon so früh feststand, hätte man auch einen besseren One-Shot produzieren können!

Auswertung der Teilnehmer folgt!

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

VAO: 06/12
LEGACY: 05/12
LAMOND: 07/12
ARND: 05/12

Glückwunsch, Lamond!
Und was vao doppelt ärgern dürfte... ER hat auf die Auswertung hingewiesen! Sonst wäre ihm diese Schmach erspart geblieben!
Bei der Rückkehr-Frage habe ich 2 Punkte gezählt!

Re: Cassaday an Fallen Sons!

Das ist doch nicht der richtige Thor, der zurückkommt. Ist doch nur ein Cyborg-Klon-Dingens.

Re: Cassaday an Fallen Sons!

wahrscheinlich ist auch ANT-MAN gemeint gewesen! Mist! Du hast Recht!
Das würde das Ergebnis glaube ich ein klein wenig verändern... hab jetzt keine Zeit!

Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

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Re: CIVIL WAR - Bürgerkrieg im Marvel Universum

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