Re: Kleine News

Marvel hat jetzt seinen eigenen Block

Re: Kleine News

Bendis interviewt Joss Whedon

BENDIS:And I’d always try to give him something. I’d literally sometimes say to David Finch, “Listen, have Colossus doing busy work in the background, just so he’ll look like he’s doing something.”

Re: Kleine News

3teilige Icon Serie von Mark Millar und John Romita jr.

Re: Kleine News

gekauft! Auch ohne guten Zweck hätte ich ohne zu zögern zugegriffen!

Re: Kleine News

Zitat: Legacy
gekauft! Auch ohne guten Zweck hätte ich ohne zu zögern zugegriffen!

Siehst Du, Vao! Legacy kann meine Gedanken lesen. Eine Millar/Romita Jr. Serie, die Kick-Ass heisst??? I'm sooooooo sold

Re: Kleine News

Zitat: Lamond

Zitat: Legacy
gekauft! Auch ohne guten Zweck hätte ich ohne zu zögern zugegriffen!

Siehst Du, Vao! Legacy kann meine Gedanken lesen. Eine Millar/Romita Jr. Serie, die Kick-Ass heisst??? I'm sooooooo sold

ist nicht schwer

Re: Kleine News

PRISM: So here is a geeky question: can you tell us if Wanda will be seen again in Young Avengers? And do you think that the fact that her children are alive will affect the events of House of M?

AH:If everything goes according to plan, Wanda will indeed return to Young Avengers early in Season Two, when Billy and Tommy embark on a search for the true source of their powers.

Re: Kleine News

Der Heinberg wird´s schon richten...

Re: Kleine News

Dale Keown sitzt angeblich wieder in der Drogenreha, deshalb hat man ihn seit Tempest fugit nicht mehr gesehen.


neue Millar-Arbeit nach CIVIL WAR?

"Spoke with Mark Millar over email this morning, talking about a new artist possibility for a comic he’s written part of, and intends to finish after he wraps up Civil War and takes some time off. The artist might just be the perfect fit…"dazu Kommentare
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Zitat: Martin Smith
I'm guessing for Ultimate Captain America. Zitat: Mark Millar
Nah, not Ultimate. And not Ultimate Cap (which I'm not doing anymore, tho someone else is talking about it). I started Ultimate X-Men and The Ultimates and co-kick-started Ultimate FF so I feel I've blown my Ultimate wad for now. That said, there is ONE Ultimate idea I've had for a year or so that we're considering for maybe a year down the line. It's good stuff, but John is talking about something else. Not Ultimate, though not quite 616 Marvel either. Should be announced quite soon, I think, and my last project for a little while. It's mostly written already and should be pretty much the only thing I have out from Marvel next year (just six issues).

MMIch glaube ja, es ist 1985 von dem schon mal die Rede war!