Hulk News

Hulk News

It was then, at the Baltimore Retailer Summit, that Marvel Comics released the first image from what CBR can now confirm is “The HULK,” an additional monthly Hulk title; this one by writer Jeph Loeb and artist Ed McGuinness.ein NEUER Hulk?

Indeed, coming out of one of if not the biggest years in Hulk history, the future of Bruce Banner is shrouded in an eerily familiar Marvel-style mystery, with post-“World War Hulk” solicitations for “The Incredible Hulk” title reading simply, “classified.” The situation is reminiscent of Marvel's cryptic activities with the “Iron Man” and “Captain America” titles following the events of “Civil War.” Adding to speculation is sure to be “The HULK” #1's cover, featuring a character in silhouette, which suggests that fans shouldn't necessarily assume the Red Hulk is Bruce Banner.

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Sieht ja Interessant aus ! Also mein Tip ist:

Entweder Amadeus Cho oder Rick Jones sind der neue Hulk !

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Zitat: ForgottenOne
Entweder Amadeus Cho oder Rick Jones sind der neue Hulk !Klingt gut und vernünftig...

Mein Tip: Wolverine oder Bucky.


Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

I'm in Und ich schliesse mich Forgottenone an, es ist entweder Amadeus Cho oder Rick Jones.

Was ich jedoch stark bezweifle ist, ob der Markt ausserhalb des Event-Wahnsinns eine zweite Hulk Serie tragen kann. Solange Loeb und McGuinnes das Kreativ-Team sind wohl schon, aber ansonsten...

Man darf gespannt sein

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Zitat: Lamond
Was ich jedoch stark bezweifle ist, ob der Markt ausserhalb des Event-Wahnsinns eine zweite Hulk Serie tragen kann.Wenn wir schon mal bei irgendwas einer Meinung sind ...

Dito ! Die wohl langlebigste zweite Hulk - Serie (The Hulk Magazine mit u. a. Solo - Geschichten von Moon Knight) gab es AFAIR Ende der 70iger als die damals doch sehr populäre Hulk TV - Serie mit Bill Bixby & Lou Ferrigno lief. So ein (längerfristiges) Interesse in den Hulk müsste man erst mal wieder aufbauen, aber dafür bedürfte es dann doch etwas mehr langfristiger Arbeit als ein "kleineres" Sommerevent.

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Incredible Hulk noch lange weitergeht?
Vielleicht verabschiedet sich Bruce und findet einen Nachfolger (siehe Cap).

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Zitat: idur
Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Incredible Hulk noch lange weitergeht?
Vielleicht verabschiedet sich Bruce und findet einen Nachfolger (siehe Cap).Cap wird nie der neue Hulk. Er ist nämlich tot! Obwohl... dann hätten wir nen Zombie-Hulk.

Re: Neue Hulk Ongoing by Loeb/McGuinness

Zitat: idur
Vielleicht verabschiedet sich Bruce und findet einen Nachfolger (siehe Cap).... unter mächtig großem Hype, nur um nach 6 Monaten bereits alles wieder zurückzudrehen, weil ein Über-Star-Autor die Serie übernimmt ? Das würde ich Marvel in der Tat zutrauen.

Kein Skaar - Son of Hulk Comic?

January 23, 2008

I honestly don't know what's going on with this right now.
I know I'm slatted to do the book with Carlo, and last I heard (which has probably changed by now, so get your grains of salt ready), Carlo could not start on the series right away because he was busy with other projects. They were considering starting the series with a different penciler until Carlo could jump on and take it over (with the understanding that it would always be considered Carlo's book). I was supposed to start when the book starts, with or without Carlo, but I haven't been told anything else yet. My editors have been really good about giving me enough work to keep me busy in the interim (What If, and X-Men: Emperor Vulcan and an upcoming Wolverine: First Class), but right now I'm kind of in a holding pattern, and I'm concentrating on Ms. Marvel and anything else they send my way.

February 18th 2008

I was actually asking my editor about this last friday, and it seems like it's still up in the air.
There's no start date on it, and they're looking at it in a different light now with the new Hulk movie coming out soon.
I'm not totally sure what that means, exactly. I'm hoping it gets straightened out soon though. Aside from really wanting to work on this with Greg and Carlo, this is also having an effect on my financially.
I promise though, as soon as I hear something more definitive, I'll let you guys know. And as soon as I get something to work on, I'll post it here.
I know you guys are really waiting for it, and you deserve it.
To give you some perspective on it though, I'm actually still waiting to hear what's going on with Squadron Supreme too.

World War Hulk Frühversion

Tom b. postete auf seinem Blog eine Frühversion von WWH, interessant soetwas durchzulesen

Savage she-Hulk is back!

Re: Savage she-Hulk is back!

it had to happen!