New New Warriors News

New New Warriors News

Autor Grevioux über die neue Serie:

NRAMA: With Civil War promising to affect so much in it's aftermath, and you already mentioning having to accommodate a post-Civil War status quo, can you talk the role that series and its soon-to-be-revealed conclusion plays in this new New Warriors concept?

KG: That will give too much away. But will tell you that no one wants the New Warriors around. They’re upsetting the apple cart so to speak. And on top of that they have the audacity, the nerve and the unmitigated gall to actually use the name “New Warriors” for their new super-group. That infuriates the public and the government.

And they will continue to play a prominent role in the post-Civil War Marvel Universe. These New Warriors are outlaws who have a real problem with not only superhero registration, but the way the whole world blames the previous group of New Warriors for what happened at Stamford. The New Warriors, the ones who were killed, have become the poster boys for superhero irresponsibility and arrogance. A label this new group feels is totally unfair and unwarranted. Not buying any of this, the New Warriors feel that it’s up to them to bring respect and reverence back to the name New Warriors and they mean to do it by any means necessary…authority be hanged.

The mere fact that they’re using the name “New Warriors” after all that has happened has set the authorities against them…Zitat:
NRAMA: And how about the latest incarnation - the New Warriors as reality TV stars? Can I ask for your thoughts on that and can you remark if and how you incorporate that into your new series?

KG: I thought the last New Warriors book was an interesting approach. It took what was contemporary in our culture and found a way to tell a cool tongue n’cheek type of story within a shared superhero universe. But given what’s happened at Stamford, there’s really only one way to approach that last incarnation with this new series, and that’s from the standpoint that it was a very dark moment in the New Warrior’s history. It started off as a fun concept, but that ended up being the impetus for the tragedy that became Civil War.

Given that, it winds up casting a long dark shadow over the new series. These kids are here to redeem the name of the New Warriors. So the tragedy of the Stamford incident will always be there as a reminder.

NRAMA: We’re going to make the assumption this new New Warriors at least partially involves young heroes, and the Marvel playground for younger, teen heroes has gotten a little crowded since the original creation of the team.

The Young Avengers seemingly fill the official youth/in-training branch of the Avengers role. The New X-Men for the X-Men. The Runaways have some of that rebellious/on-their-own vibe of the original Warriors, with the upcoming Loners seeming looking to tap into that vibe as well.

So can you speak at all as to what role … what niche … the new New Warriors will fill to make them unique in the Marvel Universe landscape?

KG: These new New Warriors are more rebellious. Probably more rebellious than any super-team we’ve seen in some time. And probably more rebellious than Cap’s crew was. Their thinking is that there are people out there who need their help and you can never have enough heroes. That’s like saying there are too many good Samaritans around. That’s ridiculous.

Unfortunately, the public doesn’t see it that way, and because of that the group has become a serious political liability to the powers-that-be. Not only in America, but the world. And the methods they use to implement their personal crusade are really going to get under a lot of peoples skin. A lot of powerful people.

We’ll also be seeing a crossover with Dan Slott’s The Initiative as well as a few other titles. This book is one where we are going to have guest-stars galore!

Re: New New Warriors News

Klingt schon mal gut

Re: New New Warriors News

Klingt in der Tat interessant. Wer glaubt ihr, wird im Team sein?

Re: New New Warriors News

Ich hoffe ja immer noch auf die Rückkehr des weiblichen Scorpions!
(jetzt wo auch bei MEIC of the week mein ZODIAC-Circle-Vorschlag abgeschmettert wurde... )

Re: New New Warriors News

Bis jetzt sieht es so aus, dass ich der Serie eine Chance gebe. Natürlich wird die Entscheidung ein wenig vom Zeichner beeinflusst. Ist schon bekannt wer NW gestaltet?

Re: New New Warriors News

Zitat: HobieBrown
Ist schon bekannt wer NW gestaltet?Leider nicht Aber eine Serie ohne Stars brauch normalerweise einen beliebten Zeichner. Ich tippe auf Mark Baigley

Re: New New Warriors News

Ist ein guter Tip. Umhauen würde mich das allerdings nicht. Wenn Bags nach Spidey jetzt auch noch zu den Warriors zurückkehrt, würde es mich nicht wundern wenn er Deodato´s Nachfolger an den T-bolts wird.

Kausalität ist doch was Feines.