SECRET INVASION - News Thread oder: Wer ist ein Skrull?

Re: Secret Invasion: Thor

Zitat: Optimus
Ich denke, bei Secret Invasion: Thor wirst du eine Ausnahmen machen müssen:Scheint so...

Re: Secret Invasion X-Men

Zitat: Lamond
Also ich werde wieder bei den meisten Tie-ins an Bord sein:
SI: Frontline
SI: F4
SI: X-Men
SI: Spider-Man
SI: Thor
Diese Serien kaufe ich auch. Bei Black Panther bin ich echt am überlegen. Einerseits glaube ich auch, dass Aaron eine gute Story abliefern wird. Aber andererseits war ich von Black Panther nach Civil War enttäuscht und habs dann wieder von meiner Pull geworfen.

Re: Secret Invasion X-Men

Ich finde die Art, wie DC und Marvel die Tie-Ins dieses mal angehen, super. Die Ongoings werden größtenteils in Ruhe gelassen und wer trotzdem mehr wissen will, kauft sich halt die Minis. Ich werde mir bei SI den ganzen Quatsch sparen, es sei denn Fractions Thor One-Shot im April haut mich um und die Mini bekommt nen wirklich richtig guten Zeichner.

Re: Secret Invasion: Thor


Re: Secret Invasion: Thor


Re: Secret Invasion: McNiven Cover

Klasse Cover!

Das Heldenbild im Mündungsrauch stammt doch von Civil War. Ist das ein Hinweis, dass Fury dem ein oder anderen Civil War Aktivisten gehörig seine Meinung geigen wird oder nur künstlerische Freiheit von McNiven?


gibt es eigentlich schon so etwas wie eine lesereihenfolge?

Re: lesereihenfolge?

Zitat: sailorboy
gibt es eigentlich schon so etwas wie eine lesereihenfolge?bin ich am Erstellen!
Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!
ansonsten hilft auch immer mal wieder ein Blick in diesen Thread:

Secret Invasion: Spider-Man


"Secret Invasion: Spider-Man" begins shortly before the Skrulls' initial onslaught against Earth. "I had to start out before the Invasion so I could reintroduce all these new characters like Jackpot and police officer Vin O'Neil," Reed explained. "This is a chance for people who haven't been reading 'Amazing Spider-Man' or people who don't necessarily know all these secondary characters to get to know them. So I took a little time to introduce them and then I drop the Skrulls out of the sky and the action and adventure begins.

"I think I got everybody but Aunt May in the first issue," Reed said. "We've got Lilly Hollister, Carlie Cooper, Harry Osborn, Vin O'Neil, and the Coffee Bean cast. Dexter Bennett, Joe Robertson and Betty Brant are in there as well. I put in as much of the supporting cast as I could squeeze in."

"Secret Invasion: Spider-Man" is not, said Reed, a superhero story, although it is being told like one. Explained the writer, "This is the exact opposite of 'Secret Invasion: Frontline,' which is very grim and dire. In 'Frontline' when a Skrull is chasing you, you're a dead man, but in this series if a Skrull shows up you've got a chance to outrun it. 'Secret Invasion: Spider-Man' is more about the action, adventure and fun of a Spider-Man book."

Pages from "Secret Invasion: Spider-Man - Brand New Day" #1

Though tonally different, "Secret Invasion: Spider-Man" is structured similarly to Reed's "Frontline" series, with various characters' stories intersecting as they respond to the events of the Invasion. "In 'Frontline' each group of characters has a subplot and we explore who those characters are as people. Whereas in this series, all these characters just happen to be at the DB [the news source formerly known as The Daily Bugle]," Reed laughed. "We've got a fun sub plot where Harry Osborn and his girlfriend are out in the city separate from the rest of the cast. So we get to see these two pampered, rich people who've never done any real work dealing with the Skrulls and trying to survive."

Spider-Man man may be busy with the Avengers in "Secret Invasion," but as his name is in the title of this miniseries, Reed made sure to touch on some of "Amazing Spider-Man's" ongoing plot threads in the Secret Invasion tie-in. "The mayoral election shows up in there and a lot of little other stuff," Reed confirmed. "In fact, my last pass on the script was to make sure we we're hooking up to everything that we could hook up to."

Finally, Reed teased, "Spider-Man is in this series and I can tell you that in the first issue there is a revelation about his possible Skrullyness."

Avengers Assemble

Dell'Otto Cover zur sechsten Ausgabe.

-Die drei sind keine Skrulls!
