Spider-Man News


Wird ein bischen viel, hoffentlich dauert das nicht zu lange. Ich war mit 2 spidey hefte im monat zufrieden

Terry Moore is geil, wird dann gekauft.


Zitat: Vao

Wird ein bischen viel, hoffentlich dauert das nicht zu lange. Ich war mit 2 spidey hefte im monat zufriedenEinfach Wolverine Origins von der Pull Liste nehmen und alles ist i.O.


Zitat: Jake Gallows
Zustimmung. Das dürfte insbesondere dem "Nicht-Core-Serie = nicht kaufenswert" - "Wahn" des ein oder anderen PF - Users sehr gelegen kommen. Mit dieser Entscheidung konzentriert sich das Geschehen denn tatsächlich auf eine 616er-Serie, was das Ganze schon erheblich übersichtlicher macht. Ich kann das aber nachvollziehen, die anderen beiden Serien dröppeln so vor sich hin, früher sind auch in den Nebenserie wichtige Dinge passiert, z.B. Harrys Tod.


Das mag sein. Aber zwischen "wichtigen" und guten Geschichten gibt es keinen unmittelbaren Zusammenhang. Und das ist etwas, was meines Erachtens, viele leider übersehen.

Back in Wack(er): Stellt Wacker eure Fragen!

Stellt Steve Wacker hier eure Fragen!


Zitat: Warren Ellis
When you sit down to rape the childhoods of loyal Marvel fans who have been reading the adventures of Spider-Man et al since the late 19th Century, do you use tentacles, or do you cut special zombie-holes in them first?

-- WDas ist aus selbigem Thread! LOL

Mark Waid ist ein wenig... itchy.


Ellis muss es ja wissen.

Back in Wacker! Big News!

O.K. Leute, hier it comes: Stephen Wacker, der Meister der unterhaltsamen Interviews hat einiges "quasi bestätigt" und anderes angedeutet:

1. Steve Mc Niven wird einer der Zeichner

Is the art of Spiderman holding the gun an interior image or a cover image? If interior, will the artist be among the rotation of creators???

Interior and yes. Art is by my newest nominee for favorite Canadian comics artist (a title formerly held by Dale Eaglesham and some lady I met mumbling to herself while knitting EMPIRE STRIKES BACK booties at Montreal Jazz Festival back in ‘82, so I’m not sure how prestigious my award is.)Wenn das nicht schon mal ein Grund zur Freude ist, dann weiss ich auch nicht.

2. Die Erzählstruktur

My question relates to the Amazing Spider-Man title. I read the Newsarama interview, but I'm a little confused on how the book will be handled. Will the title be divided up into 3-4 issue story arcs and the same writer and artist will work on that arc and then have a break while other artists do a 3-4 issue arc? Basically I want to know how the continuity will be handled for the artists and writers from an editor’s standpoint.

First of all I love internet handles. I’m guessing you were born in 1977 and…let’s see…your family had cable.

To your question, you’re sort of on the money, though I think folks might be looking for more of a set division of labor than we’re planning on.

I look at it as we’re telling the weekly adventures of a guy named Peter Parker. We have our team of writers and as they come up with a story to tell, they’re allotted whatever issues they need to tell that story. Very rarely do we plan on using the “PART ONE OF FOUR” or anything like that to designate story arc lengths. I personally tend to not like that kind of thing as it more or less gives away your structure right on the first cover.

Anyway, we want to keep the same writer and artist together for an entire story whenever we can.

As for keeping the continuity together…why, that’s why the world made assistant editors, my friend. And Brevoort.Zitat:
Who dictates the stories in Amazing, now? I'm presuming there are multiple creative teams. Does editorial have a heavier hand in the direction of the series than on other books? Do the writers work together to come up with the direction? How does the storytelling work? I'm worried about creative vision becoming muddled or messy.

The new writers came into New York late last year and together hammered out some throughlines or story spines that could play out over the next couple years. Each of them fleshed it out enough that we have a strong direction for several beats that will come to the forefront for a few months and then move into the background for awhile, but it’s all happening organically based on the stories they want to tell.

So no one “dictates” anything. We have people at the keyboards and handling the pencils who we trust and who know what they’re doing. And the “creative vision” is simply Stan and Steve’s…it’s the story of a guy named Peter Parker. Zitat:
Will each ASM story lead into the next telling a long continuous story like the Superman titles did in the 90s or will each story stand on it's own? How closely are the three writers working together to tell their stories?

Who said three writers?!?! Is this a trick to get me to spill some beans? Nice try, Funketeer! Hey, can I steal “Funketeer”? I think I like it better than Wacker.

The writers are working closely exchanging ideas very openly, but when it comes to actually constructing their issues, they own their pages alone and get to make the decisions on how their story plays out. At a certain point the others back off because you can’t be creative by democratic vote and everyone respects that. [/b]

Also, es ist eine eher lose Zusammenarbeit. Nicht wie 52. War zu erwarten und ist imo i.O.

3. Die Autoren

Matt Fraction ist NICHT einer der Autoren, wie von vielen Fans vermutet und/oder gehofft.

[quote]Will Matt Fraction be working on the title? His Spectacular Annual was my favorite Spider-Man story in over a year.

That was a terrific issue by both him and Salvador Larocca. I’m a big fan of Fraction, particularly his dialogue, but he’s not working on Spidey right now. Instead he’s focusing on Iron Fist, Punisher War Journal, and the Order ongoings. Naja, angesichts seines Arbeitspensums war es zu erwarten. Wäre aber trotzdem sehr schön gewesen

Stephe Wacker liebt es aber, uns Hinweise zu geben. Deshalb hat er die Autoren gebeten, eine kleine Selbstbeschreibung zu schreiben, sodass wir Fans weiter fleissig rätseln dürfen:

Mystery Writer A:

I’m a long time fan, so it starts with a love of the character. Certainly the opportunity to contribute ideas and stories to Marvel’s flagship character was something that was very appealing to the fan-boy in me, and (to be honest) to my ego. But I didn’t say “yes” on that basis alone. When Joe Quesada asked me to participate, the pitch was “we want to try to bring a key element of Spidey that made him great in the Ditko and Romita days: the soap opera.”

Now I must confess, I’m sort of a “fallen away fan,” not just for Spidey, but for a lot of comics. I’m one of those folks who gets aggravated over too much continuity and too many cross-overs, mega events, and maxi-series. So the other attraction was, “we want to do some shorter arcs, create a lot of new characters and try to cool it on the decompressed storytelling.” In short, editorial wanted to make the book more entertaining and accessible to all readers, long time fans and casual fans – the idea being, you don’t have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a jillion issues of Spider-man to enjoy the book. Music to my ears.

So, like a fool, I said Yes…because that was before I got to know Brevoort and Wacker. Now I’m chained to my computer, listening to “deadline threats” and a lot of bad jokes that I’m obligated to laugh at. Just kidding, I’m having a blast working with the team on this.Es wäre beinahe zu schön um wahr zu sein, aber dieser Text beschreibt für mich ganz eindeutig:

Joss [b]Whedon[/b]

Mystery Writer B:

I'm a long time fan through and through. I still own my childhood Mego Spider-Man, Corgi Spider-Van, and I'd like to say my childhood Spider-Man Pez dispenser... But on examining the copyright date on the back, it appears that I bought this one while I was in college.

Which explains a LOT. Maybe too much.

I was into Spidey before I ever read or owned a comic, watching re-runs of the '67 cartoon every day after school. To this day whenever I get to write Spidey, Betty, or Jonah, I "hear" the voices of actors Paul Soles, Peg Dixon, and Paul Kligman. "Parkerrrrr!" You can't beat that. Hier haben wir ganz eindeutig: Mr. DAN [b]SLOTT[/b]. Die von ihm erzählten Anekdoten habe ich schon mal von ihm gehört. Way to go Dan!

Mystery Writer C:

I wasn't originally a fan, but fell in love with the character after playing him in three feature films. NO. WAY. IN. HELL. Toby McGuire als Autor. Sorry, glaub es nicht. I call B.S. Das kann nur ein Publicity Stunt sein.

Music to my ears

So the other attraction was, “we want to do some shorter arcs, create a lot of new characters and try to cool it on the decompressed storytelling.” In short, editorial wanted to make the book more entertaining and accessible to all readers, long time fans and casual fans – the idea being, you don’t have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a jillion issues of Spider-man to enjoy the book. Music to my ears.Größerer Supporting Cast. (Ein Stück weit) weg vom Decompressed Non Telling. Einsteigerfreundlich.

Ich kenne da einen gewissen Old School - Titel, der sich insbesondere letzteres seit Jahren zum Ziel gemacht hat. Hmmm ... Heißt das, ASM wird jetzt auch old school ? In vielerlei Hinsicht ist also "back to the roots" angesagt und das ist auch gut so. Allerdings sollte das ganze inhaltlich auch "organisch" sein und nicht mit dem Brecheisen erzwungen werden, wie das leider in der Vergangenheit schon vorkam.

Während mir die allgemeine Richtung sehr zusagt, hält sich meine Begeisterung für die von Lamond genannten Kandidaten sehr in Grenzen. Zumindest bei zweien davon, wäre das von den zu erwartenden ansteigenden Verkaufszahlen aber wohl für Marvel eine sehr lohnende Geschichte.


Also über den größereren Support Cast freu ich mich. War für mich immer ein wichtiger Teil von Spidey.
Und die Autoren warum nicht, einfach mal überraschen lassen. Finds gar nicht so schlimm.
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