The Twelve - The Return Of The Golden Age Unknown Heroes

The Twelve - The Return Of The Golden Age Unknown Heroes

Wie wir auf der San Diego Comic Con erfahren haben, wird Marvel demnächst eine 12-teilige Maxi-Serie starten, die Helden präsentiert, die damals in der Pre-Marvel-Ära (als Marvel noch ATLAS hieß), aktiv waren!
Newsarama hat alle 12 Mitglieder zusammengefaßt und ein kurzes Profil erstellt, und wie Zeichner Chris Weston die Charactere sieht:

The Black Widow
The Blue Blade
Captain Wonder
Dynamic Man
Fiery Mask
The Laughing Mask
Mastermind Excello
Mr. E
The Phantom Reporter
The Witness

Es heißt sogar, dass einige Charactere demnächst auch wieder im MU auftauchen könnten. Vielleicht ein Black Widow/Black Widow - Team-Up?
Oder Rockman Vs. Juggernaut
Oder Who Wants To Be Mastermind Excello?

Was haltet ihr von der Idee, die "gute alte Zeit" zu besuchen, von wem versprecht ihr euch am meisten, wen würdet ihr gern öfter sehen?

The Twelve - Black Widow

Black Widow.—one of the first costumed superpowered heroines in comics, who debuted in August 1940's Mystic Comics #5. Although she shares a name with a modern Marvel character, they have no relation.Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: The Black Widow is unashamedly modeled on Veronica Lake, the ultimate femme fatale. A proto-goth, she's mysterious, confident and alluring. I would. Would you?

The Twelve - Blue Blade

The Blue Blade. Dressed in the getup of a French musketeer, his brief career had him fighting Japanese spies on the Pacific coast.Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: The Blue Blade is Errol Flynn turned up to eleven! Loud, obnoxious, vein and attention-seeking, he could be the breakout star of the series... if he survives. There was no avoiding the obvious camp elements to the original character so I decide to play them up and make him look even more outrageous. He's definitely wearing eye-liner, put it that way! I tried to make his body language equally as extrovert: this character will always indulge in sweeping gesticulations and never misses an opportunity to strike classic hero poses.

The Twelve - Captain Wonder

Captain Wonder. First appearing in Kid Komix #1 in the early 1940s, he came about his powers while working as a chemistry teacher who discovers a "wonder fluid".Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: Captain Wonder is your bog-standard patriotic super-hero. He's basically a nice guy, easy-going and uncomplicated. And he's about to be put through the emotional wringer! Looking at his appearances in early Golden age comics, I was struck by his bare legs. How could anyone take on Hitler's hordes with bare legs and keep their dignity intact? I decided to give him hairy legs, something you don't usually see on a super-hero. But then, when would a stand-up guy like Captain Wonder find time out from fighting Nazis to shave and wax his legs, even if it did cross his mind?

The Twelve - Dynamic Man

CHRIS WESTON: I wanted Dynamic Man to look like "Station to Station"-era David Bowie, only with a big, muscular physique. I wanted to capture Bowie's weird, other-worldly looks... detached but confident. I stayed pretty faithful to his original appearances in Golden age comics, and tried to accentuate his Aryan features.

The Twelve - Elektro

CHRIS WESTON: Elektro remains extremely faithful to his original, "robotic-roman-centurion" look, but I took the trouble to model him in a 3D CGI package, purely to help me keep his design and proportions consistent from whatever angle I have to draw him from. He'll still be hand-drawn in the book, though, I hasten to add!

The Twelve - Fiery Mask

Fiery Mask. Created by Joe Simon back in 1940 for Daring Mystery Comics #1, Fiery Mask's origin involves zombies, 20' tall mad scientist and the Legion of Doom.Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: Fiery Mask was a difficult one: no two pictures of him looked the same, so I decide to create a sort of amalgam of all his previous designs. I vaguely had the actor Sterling Hayden in mind, but I didn't seek out any photo reference to copy. I would say he was the "Green Lantern" of The Twelve and he can produce a kind of electro-plasmic flame at will. He also gets to tackle some Golden Age Marvel Zombies... I kid you not!

The Twelve - Laughing Mask

Laughing Mask. By day he was a young Assistant D.A., but by night he took the law into his own hands with a glowing mask and two .45s fighting crime on his own terms.Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: Laughing Mask was great fun to design. Again, I stayed faithful to the original, but made his mask look more like an Ancient Greek theatrical mask. Beneath it, I made his own face quite ugly, giving him some kind of subconscious motive for wanting to keep it covered up.

The Twelve - Mastermind Excello

Mastermind Excello, whose name was taken up in modern times by Amadeus Cho who is a big part of the current World War Hulk story. No ties have been revealed between Cho and the original.Zitat:
CHRIS WESTON: Mastermind Excello was intended to look like some spooky, aristocratic, eastern-European Master of the Occult. Solemn and intense, but also a little theatrical, I could imagine him holding séances in some dusty old mansion with quivering old ladies. While he wasn't in my mind while I was drawing him, Bela Lugosi would probably play Excello to perfection.

The Twelve - Mr. E

CHRIS WESTON: Mr.E is a caped crime-fighter in the "Crimson Avenger", "The Shadow", and "The Spider" tradition. More of a "pulp fiction" character than a super-hero. I've often wondered why so few comic-strip characters have receding hairlines. Hair Loss is the last taboo in comics... it seems to be more acceptable to have GAY super-heroes than BALDING ones, nowadays. So here was an opportunity to break through the Slap-head Ceiling! I think it looks quite cool and adds to the "realistic" tone we want this series to have.