Wizard World Chicago

Wizard World Chicago

Civil War
The Immortal Iron Fist
Bendis über New Avengers 26
Yu über die New Avengers
Pablo Raimondi an X-Factor
Ultimate Mike Carey
Ultimate Wolverine
Wonder Man: My fair supervillain
What if? One Shots für November
Young Guns

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Aus der Iron Fist Mini Serie wurde eine Ongoing Serie.
Mehr Infos hier

Nicht einer meiner Must Haves, aber Brubaker ist ausser bei den X-Men sonst immer gut, wird also ins erste Trade reingeschnuppert.

Wizard World Chicago 2006 - News & Announcements

[doppelthread - Inhalt herher verschoben! VAO WAR SCHNELLER!]

Die Wizard World Convention startet heute und zu Beginn gibt es erste Infos zu


die neue Ongoing von Brubaker/Fraction und David Aja!

Quelle: newsarama

As Brubaker explained, Iron Fist was always in his future at Marvel, things just got pushed a little faster than was initially anticipated.

"It was always on the back-burner, but with the huge buzz Iron Fist got from the recent Daredevil arc, suddenly a back-burner plan got pushed to the front, so we can strike while the iron fist is hot, as it were," Brubaker said. "But from my first months at Marvel, I've pretty much tried to claim dibs on Iron Fist. I can clearly remember Joe Q. laughing at me wanting to do Iron Fist when they were offering me Deadly Genesis. He's just always been a favorite, and I've always wanted to give him a shot in a new series."Zitat:
Of course, as Brubaker himself announced, he won't be handling The Immortal Iron Fist himself - Matt (Casanova, Five Fists of Science, Punisher War Journal) Fraction will be joining Brubaker as co-writer on the ongoing series.

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Wonder Man: My Fair Supervillain
5-teilige Miniserie geschrieben von Peter David(X-Factor) und gezeichnet von Andrew Currie(Avengers West Coast)

Curries Zeichenstil ist etwas komisch und wie es aussieht seit über 12 Jahren nichts mehr für Marvel gezeichnet, da warte ich lieber auf die Kritiken ab

Re: Wizard World Chicago

YES! Iron Fist! Wandert direkt in die pull list.

Yes! Wonder Man! Wandert...Hm? Wie? Peter David???...*UARGH!*
Eher mal abwarten! Wieso gibts hier keinen Kotz Smilie?

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Written by Jeff Parker
Penciled by Aaron Lopresti
Cover by Gary Frank
"The Avengers have the same unfortunate tendency as ordinary law enforcement. Once we have a perpetrator to hang the crime on, we look no further."- Dr. Hank McCoy

It was the darkest day in Avengers history. Heroes died, the mansion was destroyed, and the team came to an end. But was the real problem solved? What if the greatest threat had gone undetected?
48 PGS

Written by Peter David
Penciled by Koi Pham
Cover by Mark Brooks
In "The Other," Peter Parker returned from the dead and embraced his "inner spider.” But WHAT IF the detente that was reached between man and arachnid had not ended there? What if the man known as Peter Parker had been completely consumed by his inner, bestial impulses, and became more spider than man?
32 PGS

Written by Jimmie Robinson
Penciled by Carmine Di Giandomenico
Cover by Doug Alexander
What if the world's deadliest killing machine was never de-programmed? Over half a year has passed since the Hand took control of Wolverine, forcing him to assassinate one great hero after another. Now only a handful of super-powered beings are left to stop him. Who will risk their life to end the path of death and destruction? Written by the creator of indie sensation Bomb Queen.
32 PGS

More Information on December’s What If? Age of Apocalypse by writer Rick Remender and What If? X-Men: Deadly Genesis by writer David Hine and artist David Yardin is forthcoming.

Klingen alle interessant und werden sicherlich gekauft

Koi Pham ist noch unbekannt, Giandomenico hatte schon den letzen Cap what if gezeichnet

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Yeah! Die jährlichen What if-Ausgaben klingen mal wieder allesamt lecker!

Ich werde aber aufs Trade warten!

Re: Wizard World Chicago

ich auch dazum erstenmal ich an alle interessiert bin

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Pablo Raimondi übernimmt mit der 13 den Stift an X-Factor.

gute wahl

Re: Wizard World Chicago

Also "The Immortal Iron-Fist" wandert dirket in meine Pull-Liste. Kein "Waiting for the trade". Im Übrigen: Brubakers X-Men - ob nun Deadly Genesis oder UCX - sind alles andere als schlecht. Nicht überweltigend, aber solide Unterhaltung, die im Gegensatz zum Claremont / Milligan Schwachsinn Spass macht.

Übrigens Vao: Ich habe dir zu liebe Carey's X-Men versuchsweise ins Abo genommen. Wehe es ist schlecht!