World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

War glaub ich ne Promo-Zeichnung für den RETURN OF THE MONSTER Run von JRJR und Bruce Jones... lang lang ists her!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

So, der Fahrplan und die Tie-In-Übersicht ist jetzt online:
WOLRD WAR HULK - Checklist

Ist doch ganz übersichtlich!
Die Wahl der Tie-Ins ist echt überraschend, storytechnisch... verkaufszahlenmarketingtechnisch natürlich ganz und gar nicht!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: Legacy
So, der Fahrplan und die Tie-In-Übersicht ist jetzt online:
WOLRD WAR HULK - Checklist

Ist doch ganz übersichtlich!
Die Wahl der Tie-Ins ist echt überraschend, storytechnisch... verkaufszahlenmarketingtechnisch natürlich ganz und gar nicht! Verdammt! Du lässt aber auch nichts anbrennen!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: HobieBrown
Verdammt! Du lässt aber auch nichts anbrennen! Hey, Marvel ruht sich auch nicht aus!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Tieri über WWH: Gamma Corps!

Newsarama: Okay, Frank – the broad scope to start with: who and what are the Gamma Corps? Are they similar say, to the Hulk Busters that we’ve seen from time to time, or are they on the other side of the equation?

Frank Tieri: Well, they’re definitely not pro-Hulk if that’s what you mean by the other side of the equation. But to best answer who and what the Gamma Corps are we really have to go back to the beginning, to the man who started it all—and that’s General Ryker.

For those who don’t remember, Ryker was a Hulk adversary created for “Dogs of War” arc during the Paul Jenkins era of the book. He was a character who ruthlessly went after the Hulk for what we eventually learned were fairly sympathetic reasons—he wanted to cure his dying wife and saw the Hulk as the means to do that. I thought that was interesting and that there was a lot to play with there.

NRAMA: How so?

FT: Well, for one, using Ryker like this is funny because I always hear people say, “Where are all the new characters in the last twenty years or so?” Well, we do have new characters created in the last twenty years, especially villains — it’s just people don’t use them. Every time a new creator comes on a book, he wants to show how creative and revolutionary he is and create his own stuff or put some “cool, new” spin on a classic character - again, usually a villain - we’ve never seen before. No one seems to want to nurture those recent creations that desperately need to be nurtured in order to stand the test of time, so I guess that’s a bit of what I’m doing here. Call it “Frank Tieri’s Villain Reclamation Project,” if you will. Gut, Ryker ist jetzt nicht der Hammer, aber die Einstellung gefällt mir!

NRAMA: Don’t hold back – why would someone join up with a team like this?

FT: Plain and simple—revenge. This series will deal with the collateral damage that would occur if something like the Hulk actually existed—and we deal with it more than anything else we’ve ever seen before. In real life, a drunk driver crashes his car and seven people are killed—so you mean to tell me nothing happens when a truck is thrown in a Hulk/Abomination fight? In this series we’ll show that the Hulk’s actions do have consequences—and grave ones in the case of many of these characters

And by the way, I wouldn’t think “team” as in super-team. These ain’t heroes, these are soldiers, so thinking unit is probably more accurate. People who are cutting the throats of terrorists and assassinating dictators and cutting off Bin Laden’s head and pissing in it—who also just so happen to have gamma induced powers. If you’re thinking Arnold’s group from Predator with gamma powers, you’re on the right track.

Fans will find that there are plenty of surprises to be had in this series—including the fact that two of these characters hold connections to supporting characters that have been very involved in the Hulk’s life. And that another one of them is actually a former Hulk villain.Continuity-Bitches!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Aufgrund dieses Interviews ist die Mini im Abo.

Tieri ist ein Guter!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Der Trailer zum Event!

"Know he's coming home...and war is coming with him." Ich liebe diese typischen Trailer Sprüche

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: Lamond
"Know he's coming home...and war is coming with him." Ich liebe diese typischen Trailer Sprüche "Typische-Trailer-Spruch-Hure"?!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: HobieBrown
Zitat: Lamond
"Know he's coming home...and war is coming with him." Ich liebe diese typischen Trailer Sprüche "Typische-Trailer-Spruch-Hure"?! genau. Mein Lieblings-Trailer-Spruch fängt folgendermassen an:

"In a world, where..."

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

[quote:Lamond]Zitat: HobieBrown
"In a world, where..."