Fakten & Gerüchte: DR. STRANGE ( animated, direct-to-DVD )

Fakten & Gerüchte: DR. STRANGE ( animated, direct-to-DVD )

Doctor Strange, the fourth direct-to-video animated movie from Lionsgate and Marvel Studios, will be previewed in Ultimate Avengers 2, in stores on August 8.

The two-minute, 42-second preview includes designs and animation clips, along with comments from writer Greg Johnson, producer/supervising director Frank Paur and executive producers Eric S. Rollman and Craig Kyle.

Like its predecessor Iron Man, Doctor Strange will be an origin story.

"It's about the journey," Johnson said. "He had to actually go from the pit of despair up a mountain to the feet of the Ancient One in order to really find out what his destiny was. It's that journey that changes the man."

Doctor Strange will likely be released in the first quarter of 2007.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: DR. STRANGE ( animated, direct-to-DVD )

Wie ich ja schon woanders verlauten ließ bin ich ein großer Fan von all things  Doctor Stephen Strange und die Bilder sehen sehr cool aus. Mit dem nötigen Respekt und etwas Ironie könnte das was richtig feines werden. Die DVD kommt auf jeden Fall ins Haus!