Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

erste Anzeichen deuten auf einen möglichen vierten Teil der X-Men-Saga:

Produzentin Lauren Shuler Donner läßt verlauten, dass der "jüngere" Cast allesamt für weitere Fortsetzungen unterschrieben habe.
Probleme könnte es höchstens bereiten, den "älteren" Cast [Jackman, Berry, Stewart, Janssen, Romijn, Paquin] a) zusammenzubringen und b) zu finanzieren.

Auf jeden Fall hat sie schonmal nicht mit NEIN geantwortet!

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Patrick Stewart dürfte nicht das Problem sein. Wer X-Men 3 gesehen hat weiß, dass er höchstens seine Stimme zum Film beitragen müßte.

Auf Storm könnte ich auch verzichten. Berrys schauspielerische Leistung hat mir noch nie gefallen.

Wolverine muss aber dabei sein! Hoffentlich macht Jackman nach dem Wolvie Solo Film noch weiter.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Zitat: Legacy
Produzentin Lauren Shuler Donner läßt verlauten, dass der "jüngere" Cast allesamt für weitere Fortsetzungen unterschrieben habe.

Was Iceman Shawn Ashmore nun bestätigt:

"I know they are doing a Wolverine prequel and I've heard a rumor about a Magneto film... those are all in the past like prequels and origin stories, so I don't know. There are rumors about an 'X-Men 4,' but as far as I've been told 'X3' was going to be the last big ensemble 'X-Men' movie. I would love if they made another one, but I'm not sure that they will," he told us.

In the interview, available in full at the link above, he also reveals he has a contract in place for a fourth film.Quelle:

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Shyler über weitere X-Men-Sequels:


über Spin-Offs:
Yes, we could, you know, yes we could and there's some other ideas that we are going to be delving into, but it's often availability of actor, availability of director and weather conditions, so you don't always have that luxury. And most importantly, the release date…what else is coming out…what other comic book movies are we going against? So we always set our release dates before we ever start filming those movies.über Sequels:
LSD: In our wildest dreams we wanted it to be a franchise. We wanted it to be able to spin-off…there's 40 years of comics but I'lll tell you because we never previewed it, there was a day when Bryan [Singer], myself, our editor and, I think Tom Rothman was in the room, and we all looked at each other and said, “We'll never work again.” Because, we didn't know what we had.

IESB: Rothman recently said though The Last Stand was the last of that group of X-Men, I asked him, well we never saw Gambit, we never saw a lot of these great heroes, future ensemble films, young mutants or anything, what's in the pipeline for this franchise?

LSD: I can't say...[laughter]

IESB: Will we ever see Gambit?

LSD: Probably, you know, the reason we didn't use Gambit was because in a sense his persona is a bit like Wolverine in that he's got attitude and his power is not quite as exciting as the others. That's why we went to Nightcrawler on 2 because he looked different than everybody else and he had a great power. So yes, I think we would weave Gambit within our story, it wouldn't be “The Gambit Movie.” I mean, I love him and remember in “Lost” the guy, what's his name, there was a guy in there that was the perfect Gambit, the guy with the straight hair, good-looking, the bad boy, Sawyer, Sawyer [Josh Holloway]. (A lot of Lost forums have been buzzing about this casting rumor for some time).

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Sawyer als Gambit

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

Zitat: Optimus
Sawyer als Gambit
Das geht ja nur, wenn sie ihn bis dahin von dieser verdammten Insel runterkriegen...

Im Ernst: Das würde passen wie die Faust auf´s Auge!

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

We received a lot of mail from fans about this one (sorry folks, we were traveling), but when Halle Berry won for "Favorite Female Action Star" at the People's Choice Awards on Tuesday night, she called out to X-Men fans. Here's a good summary of what she said from

"I had no idea you guys loved Storm so much! Wow, thank you, thank you. And I want to thank Tom Rothman for allowing me to play Storm, and Brett Ratner for allowing Storm to finally use her cape and fly this year." said Halle Berry at yesterday's People's Choice Awards.

"But I have something to ask you guys. You guys really love X-Men? Ok, here's what you have to do. Write letters. Every one of you in this building who love X-Men and want to see X-Men 4, write a letter to Tom Rothman at Fox and tell him so and you will get another one, and I'll be there too."

You can write or e-mail 20th Century Fox regarding X4 at:

20th Century Fox Theatricals
ATTN: Tom Rothman (X-Men 4)
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900
var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'foxmovies'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'fox'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');foxmovies@foxcom

No pressure Tom!

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: X-MEN 4

While he doesn't specifically say that there will be an X-Men 4, Fox's Tom Rothman has responded to the many e-mails and letters from fans about further "X-Men" movies. The note at reads:

The next film in the X-Men series will be "Wolverine," starring Hugh Jackman. You can expect some announcements about this movie in the very near future. And we fully intend to continue to make more "X-Men" films with both old and new muties. So fans can rest assured that they will have many opportunities in the coming years to see their favorite characters on the big screen.