When the night appears
Autor: buffyfan
E-Mail Adresse: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'buffyfan01'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'gmx'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'de';document.writeln(''+e+'');support@gmxde
Titel: When the night appears
Altersfreigabe: für alle, die des Englischen mächtig sind, also wird es so auf 12 oder 13 hinauslaufen. Vom Inhalt her kannes aber jeder lesen
Teil: 1/1
Spoiler: Spielt nach der 7. Staffel => Spike ist tod!
Inhalt: "When the night appears" eben! Was passiert, wenn es Nacht wird und der Mensch den man liebt ist nicht da.
Hauptcharakter(e)/Paar(e): Buffy/Spike
Disclaimer: Figuren Joss, Idee mir
When the night appears
When the night appears
Im alone
When the night appears
I need you
Actions of the day run through my mind
Good and bad
Just and unfair
And when I cant stand them
I need you
And when the night appears
it contains sleep
and when I cant fall asleep
I need you
for holding me
And the night contains dreaming
Dreaming of you
and maybe then
the demons appear
the ones that tell me
that youre not there
and Im alone (in my dreams)
The night is followed by the morning
The time I wake up
The time I realize youre not holding me
The time realize Im alone
The time I realize the demons were right
The time I realize that I love you
And during the day Im waiting
that the night appears
Spike: "Man tut nur denen weh die man liebt"
Buffy: "Five words or less!"
Spike: "Out. For. A. Walk............Bitch."