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BOOK FOR MICHAEL...be a part of it

BOOK FOR MICHAEL...be a part of it

HI my name is katie, i am 16 and i am from the uk

I am making a support book to send to michael and i am aiming to fill a book with messages from fans around the world. I know there are not alot of memebers to this forum but I believe everyone counts

I am asking people to send me things along the lines of:

Letters to Michael
Fanfictions (keeping the xxx to a minimum lol dont want michael to be )
also any pictures of yourself and pics of any support events that you have attended.

please help as I want to make this book a success to show michael that we are here and that we are supporting him

my email address is var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'mjjbook'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'hotmail'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');support@hotmailcom

also if you would like to send anything by mail please email me and i will send you my address.

thankyou sooo much oh and the book will be mailed to michael