Supporting Michael
MJFC To Gather Clubs & Fans In Massive Court Rally For Michael Jackson
The Michael Jackson Fan Club is making arrangements to not only sponsor what will be the largest fan rally ever for Michael Jackson, but is going to make the costs so nominal that each and every fan who can gather transportation costs will be able to attend.
The details are still to be fully locked down, but it has come to the point where we are confident that fans may now be informed:
1. Although the opening date for court proceedings is set for the end of January, this does not take into consideration the time necessary to select a jury. That procedure could take up to 3 months. For that reason, we warn fans not to make firm travel plans just yet. We will let you know the final date that the actual court proceedings begin where Michael will be required to attend as soon as possible.
2. If all goes as planned, all fans will have the opportunity to be sheltered in the same comfortable housing facility, making this the first "Woodstock" like Michael event. Except more comfortable and without the mud. :-) Imagine 4 days of international MJ fans and friends gathered in love and support for the King of Pop!
3. GET INVOLVED! We need a sensational, headline - grabbing name for this event. Will you win anything if your name is selected? Yes! The honor and glory of seeing your name everywhere on this event! You can strut around like a peacock, telling everyone, "Hey. The name? That was mine!" So put on your thinking cap and get to work! Send your suggestions to: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'rallyname'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'mjfanclub'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'net';document.writeln(''+e+'');rallyname@mjfanclubnet *remember, no "stealing" ideas or names from other sources. And, once we have your entry it becomes the property of MJFC, with credit to you, of course.
You will see a new link to this event soon, but don't be shy about beginning to spread the news to fans around the world! As ALWAYS, the MJFC welcomes EVERYONE to join together to make this rally a world - wide success. If you have a club, web site, bulletin board forum or whatever, please contact the MJFC at: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'rallysupport'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'mjfanclub'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'net';document.writeln(''+e+'');rallysupport@mjfanclubnet for information on joining in with links and banners!
5. Wear White! Rally participants are urged to wear white to symbolize Michael Jackson's innocence! Gold armbands will be provided to those who wear white to the courthouse.
See you there!
Source: MJFC