Englischsprachige Bücherliste
Hallo Ihr Lieben
hier meine Bücherliste der englischsprachigen Literatur über Ägypten, Islam, Kultur etc. Ich hatte Sie in einem anderen, englischsprachigen Forum untergebracht. Die meisten habe ich selbst gelesen. Trotzdem habe ich meist den Amazon.text angehängt, weil der immer so schön alles zusammenfaßt
Just for anyone who is interested in some literature:
Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women
Geraldine Brooks
This is a study of Islamic women, and of the often contradictory political, religious and cultural forces that shape their lives. The book examines Iran, the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Jordan and the Middle East. It argues that there is feminism amongst Islamic women, and reveals other startling discoveries that defy western stereotypes about the Muslin world. This study offers an acute analysis of the world's fastest growing religion, and illustrates how Islam's holy texts have been used to justify the repression of women.
Price of Honour: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World
Jan Goodwin
An American journalist provides insights into women's lives, and the traditions imposed on them, from arranged marriages to a husband's right to take his wife's life, in many Islamic countries. The women depicted - both single and married - are from a variety of backgrounds and environments, from power-broking, the jet-set and the professions, to rural villages, red-light districts and child-labour camps. Some of the women are content; some are resigned. Others, especially the educated, are incensed by social norms that allow them to be confined, even killed, for the sake of a man's honour. Jan Goodwin is the author of "Caught in the Crossfire", an account of her experiences travelling with Afghanistan's mujahideen fighters during the war against the Soviet Union.
Heroine of the desert, by Donya Al-Nahi http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/184358090X/qid=1087464458/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_10_1/026-2382578-1368431
When Donya Al-Nahi rescued her child from her Cypriot husband, she embarked upon a calling that was to help hundreds of women in the same situation. These women's children are not taken by a stranger; they are snatched by their own fathers, usually Middle Eastern men who do not wish their children to be exposed to a Western upbringing and so take the children back to the countries of origin. What started as a favour to a friend has turned into a life's work for Al-Nahi. In this book, she describes her adventures, venturing into the most dangerous parts of the world, such as Iraq, Libya and Dubai, in order to find the children and bring them home to their mothers. She has been arrested and thrown in jail, but this has not dampened her determination to do the right thing and reunite mother and child. Al-Nahi has ventured to countries where few would dare to go to attempt such acts of heroism. Her missions have taken her to some of the world's most dangerous spots, including Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Dubai. In Dubai, she had to face one of the most frightening experiences of her life: the authorities were alerted to her plan to rescue a child and she was arrested, put in jail and only released after a chance meeting with one of the most powerful Sheikhs in the country.
Honor Lost: Love and Death in Modern-Day Jordan, by Norma Khouri (Afterword)
The author relates the tragic story of her best friend, Dalia, who was murdered by her own father for falling in love with a young Catholic man, and speaks out against the ancient practice of honor killing. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Sold: Story of Modern-day Slavery
Zana Muhsen, Andrew Crofts
Zana Muhsen, born and bred in Birmingham, is of Yemeni origin. When her father told her she was to spend a holiday with relatives in North Yemen, she jumped at the chance. Aged 15 and 13 respectively, Zana and her sister discovered that they had been literally sold into marriage, and that on their arrival they were virtually prisoners. They had to adapt to a completely alien way of life, with no running water, dung-plastered walls, frequent beatings, and the ordeal of childbirth on bare floors with only old women in attendance. After eight years of misery and humiliation Zana succeeded in escaping, but her sister is still there, and it seems likely that she will now never leave the country where she has spent more than half her life. This is an updated edition of Zana's account of her experiences.
Daughters of Arabia
Jean Sasson
Following "Princess", dealing with women's lives behind the veil within the royal family of Saudi Arabia, this book now turns the spotlight on Princess Sultana's teenage daughters, Maha and Amani. Surrounded by great opulence and luxury from they day they were born, but stifled by the restrictive lifestyle imposed on them, they have reacted in desperate ways. Their stories, and those which concern other members of Princess Sultana's huge family, are set against a rich backcloth of Saudi Arabian culture and social mores, which the book depicts. It details, for example, the ritual of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, as the princess and her family journey to this holiest of cities. Throughout the book, however, she never tires of her quest to expose the injustices which her society levels against women. In her campaign to improve the lot of her own daughters, Princess Sultana strikes a chord amongst those women who are lucky enough to have the freedom to speak out for themselves. The author lived in Saudi Arabia for more than ten years and became, during that time, a friend and confidante of Princess Sultana.
Without Mercy: Woman's Struggle Against Modern Slavery
Miriam Ali-Kamouhi, Jana Wain, Miriam Ali
This is the true story of one woman's fight against a violent and tyrannical relationship and her struggle to reclaim her two daughters, sold into marriage in the Yemen.
Into the Wadi
Michele Drouart
Pillars of Salt (Emerging Voices - New International Fiction)
Fadia Faqir
The novel is set in Jordan during the British mandate and beyond. At the centre is Maha and her love for her husband, 'the twin of her soul', but this love does not survive the oppression and violence in the society, as he is killed by the British and she is harmed by her brother. The novel interweaves several stories and by reflecting on the past, illuminates the present and the possible bleak future of the middle east, where in the novel, 'the British doctor rules like a king.' --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Women in Islam
Wiebke Walther, Guity Nashat (Introduction), C.S.V. Salt (Translator)
A study of women in Islam. The text does not pretend that the society of Islam was dominated by women but illustrates that the world from the classical period to modern times is also a woman's world. There are tales of A'isha, who joined the forces of early followers of Mohammed in the disastrous Came Battle; the fighter Umm Omara, who lost a hand in battle; the scholar of mysticism and freed slave Rabi'a al-Adawiyya; Khayzuran, the richest and most powerful woman; the poet Wallada, daughter of the Spanish Khalif. Slave dancers and "boy-girls", students, wives, and occasionally even career women, are all featured. The book also contains a collection of illustrations showing how women both represented themselves and were represented. The book interweaves the history of Islam with the role of Muslim women in traditional Islamic countries.
Daughters of Abraham: Feminist Thought in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Karen Armstrong (Foreword), Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad (Editor), John L. Esposito (Editor
Important for a general audience interested in women and religion, this book should be especially valuable to scholars in the fields of feminist theology, comparative religion and interfaith studies. Based on the premise that women's struggles to have their voices heard are shared throughout the monotheisms, these essays offer new insights into the traditions of three religions during the past century. Six scholars engage in dialogue with their own faith communities, reflecting on their scripture and theology in order to understand the process by which women have been constrained within the patriarchal teachings of the religion. Looking at texts long utilized to keep women within boundaries, they open up the scriptures and traditions to a feminist interpretation of the historical teachings of their faiths.
Daughters of Another Path: Experiences of American Women Choosing Islam
Carol L. Anway
This is a terrific read! From an Islamic and a non-Islamic perspective it will give the reader the reality of conversion/reversion, a daughter's views as well as a mother's views on so many issues that oftentimes drive families apart. Where there are misunderstandings or ignorance about any subject there are bound to be problems. But where enlightenment and intelligence reigns, there will be hope for this earth and the varied thoughts about how one lives their lives. Congratulations to the young woman who embraced Islam and had the courage to stand by her convictions with grace, dignity and a humble spirit. The writing was one of maturity and intelligence, not one of tragic fictional adventure.
Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought
Sachiho Murata
Reviewer: A reader from Scotland UK
For anyone interested in the mystical side of Islam this is a must. As a non Moslem born in the UK and used to approaching things from a western philosophical viewpoint I had not realised how narrow my perspective was and indeed how limiting, until I read Murata's book. The most enlightening book I have read in some time. You must read it!!!
The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam
Fatima Mernissi
Mernissi (sociology, U. of Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco) examines whether Islam is opposed to women's rights by focusing on the early year's of Islam and Mohammed's intention of creating an egalitarian society without slaves or sexual discrimination. Her work stands as a manifesto for Muslim women who --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Reviewer: A reader from michigan
like few other current muslim scholars, mernissi goes back to old sources such as tabari to proove her point. its a wonderful look at what has been lost in the message of islam. and what can be.
Beyond the Veil: Male-female Dynamics in Muslim Society
Fatima Mernissi
Sexual inequality is a prominent feature of both Western and Islamic societies, but underlying concepts of female sexuality in Christian and Muslim traditions are very different, and the pattern of heterosexual relation in Muslim societies is probably unique. Fatima Mernissi argues that the Islamic view of women as active sexual beings resulted in stricter regulation and control of women's sexuality, which Muslim theorists classically regarded as a threat to civilized society. The requisites of modernization, however, are incompatible with traditional Muslim structures, and the ensuing contradictions now pervade nearly all Muslim countries. Drawing on popular source materials, Mernissi explores the disorienting effects of modern life on male-female relations, looks at the male-female unit as a basic element of the structure of the Muslim system and shows us the sexual dynamics of the Muslim world.
The Nawal El Saadawi Reader
Nawal el Saadawi
A collection of the non-fiction writing of Nawal el Saadawi, since the publication of her book "The Hidden Face of Eve". She explores a host of topics which include: women's oppression at the hands of recent interpretations of Islam; the role of women in African literature; sexual politics of development initiatives; tourism in a "post-colonial" age; the nature of cultural identity; the subversive potential of creativity; the fight against female genital mutilation; and problems facing the internationalization of the women's movement. Throughout her writing, she aims to shed light on the power of women in resistance - against poverty, racism, fundamentalism, and inequality of all kinds.
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