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metphysics free LP online !

Re: metphysics free LP online !

jepp telephone line ist voll ne abtanz nummer...

und beim digi garten?

metaphysics, my dealer, a hooker, digital garden natürlich..
aber allen voran - it's true :)

Re: metphysics free LP online !

also bei digital garden ist mein absoluter fav rockin it, dann digital garden und a hooker. und metaphysics. :D

und bei elevated perception mag ich das erste am liebsten lol mir fällt der name nich ein.

Re: metphysics free LP online !

und noch einwenig werbung...


Black Butterfly is also still available for 10 euro per CD
The CD contains 11 hot underground tracks featuring.

Carlpritt Metas 18 year old brother. Laygwansharkie
(Migrant Souls). and hot new singer Kaye.

For mail order details send an e-mail to
var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'metaphysics'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'metaphysics.zzn'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');metaphysics@metaphysics.zzncom

To win a free Copy of Black Butterfly !!!
Get 10 of your friends to send your picture to
var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'newsingle'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'metaphysics.zzn'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');newsingle@metaphysics.zzncom

Insure pictures are jpeg.. No nude pictures and rude content.

Or you can get an online version of the LP from


wer macht da mit???


Re: metphysics free LP online !

Würd die lieder auch so gern haben hören sich super an aber wie kann ich ide downloaden????Wo hin muss ich da gehen?Was muss ich anklicken???
BITTE antwortet!!!!!

Manchesmal ist ein Freund ein Fremder du kennst ihn aber sein Gesicht nicht.Manchesmal ist ein Fremder ein Freund du kennst ihn nicht aber sein Gesicht schon.

Re: metphysics free LP online !

mittlerweile kann mans ned mehr kostenlos downloaden, kannst es aber bestellen. lohnt sich echt!

rockin it

Re: metphysics free LP online !

und anhören kann mans auch eigentlich komplett..

meta hat nämlich erstens die hp in einer neuen form...

und da gibt es ein schönes interview (leider wegen flash
nicht zum kopieren - oder kann es wer überlisten???)
über seine eigene platenfirma apoc usw..

und zweitens info über seine neue single die raus ist...

und die bb-cd mit widmung kann man auch bestellen..

yes meta rulez!

Re: metphysics free LP online !

hab das interview abgeschrieben, weil mans ned kopieren konnte. ich setz es bei gelegenheit mal hier rein... muss es noch abtippen.

rockin it

Re: metphysics free LP online !

lol fein, dass dus sagst wollte grad das selbe tun :-)
ich freu mich schon, danke!

hast du irgendwo auch schon die singe erwischt
(zum anhören zb..)

Re: metphysics free LP online !

„Mind of Mapper“ the new single from Metaphysics!

Q: Who is Metaphysics and what does he do?

A: I am servant of God!, a Son, Brother, Friend and the core of my creative nature a Rapper. I produce in my little studio called Zion Gate Studios…

Q: Where are you from?

A: The promised Land!, Zimbabwe…

Q: Why „the promised Land“ ?

A: The Energy that surrounds Zimbabwe is amazing, the people are warm and life has value. The Media is a monster! And the Chemical and Germ war far eis killing my people but we shall rise.

Q: How can this monster be stopped?

A: Only God can Stopp it now… it is just a matter og knowing who the true living God is!

Q: Ist his what your music is about?

A: I try to fashion my music around my beliefs. It is only now that I have become confident to stand behind my statements.

Q: What is your new project?

A: Mond Over Matter ist he title of my first single on the new Zimbabwean Label APOC.

Q: Who is on this project?

A: On this record is just me alone, it is a celebration of my many years is Hip Hop an just want to mark that by doing a project for me …

Q: Who else have you worked with?

A: Many many Hip Hop Legends and some of the best singers and producers in this Game, my list is endless. I will drop some of the material I have collected over the years with Artist such as Xavier Naidoo, Slum Village, Buju Banton, Mr Vegas etc. !

Q: What is yout involvement with APOC Records?

A: I try to support the Label and I am hoping that it becomes the leading Hip Hop Label to come out of Africa, other than that I just provide them with that sweet music!

Q: What else do you work with?

A: I try not to limit myself I will work with anyone if there is a connection … or a vibe.

Q: What more can we expect from you?

A: Not to Stop and I that I keep heading forward and traigt outta Babylon!

Q: Is your music straightly Hip Hop?

A: No, my music encompasses many different influences. Right now, I am trying to create a distinct style. With my partner, we are currently developing sound manipulation based on extraterrestrial concepts similar to what certain military organisations have been trying to develop. Where as the military uses their innovations for warfare, we intend to use ours in a positive way. Just kidding ist all about that true to self expression!

Q: What did you mean by the military?

A: Right now we are being manipulated by subconscious brainwash. Certain devices like cellular phones transmit more than just text messages.
We are currently trying to redevelop our ancient abilities of telepathic, telekenetik communication or on a basic bring back love and unity amongst God people.

Q: How?

A: I hope through our music, and if not through the music, then directly through other mediums connected to the art…

Q: This sounds fascinating. Is there anything else you would like to say to people who might come across your music?

A: Please support and help to build a brighter future … Go out there and do what´s got to be done … Blesses Love.
Metaphysics 2005

rockin it