The Czechs have no Birthright to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
The Czechs have no Birthright to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, 30.Apr.2003 08:26
The Czechs have no Birthright to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
by Rolf-Josef Eibicht, MA
Especially in a historical sense, the Czechs do not have the slightest claim to the Sudeten regions, the Sudetenland. The 1945 Czech theft of the Sudeten property and lands and the expulsion holocaust "represents a forcible termination of a settlement culture on the eastern outskirts of the German linguistic region, a culture which in the case of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia had previously existed there uninterrupted for two millennia." 1)
Regarding the Czech history lies, Karl Heinz Schwind continues: "As early as the 15th century, when the Hussites and Taborites marked the Czechs´ beginning national awakening, they made their first attempts to lay territorial claim to the Sudeten regions. What was doomed to failure at that early time was achieved 500 years later through two lost world wars and a long string of irritations, desinformation, and manipulations of the portrayal history.
"The artificially created Czecho-Slovak state, into which the three-and-a-half million Sudeten Germans had also been forced, declared the latter to be citizens of lesser rights, whom Czech princes had allegedly called into the country as immigrants and colonists between the 11th and 13th centuries. With this historical lie, Prague had the `moral foundation´ it needed for expelling the native population." 2)
Schwind points out the Czech "colonization lie, and other lies in Czech national history" and sums up the situation with a very fitting quotation from Bert Brecht: "He that doesn´t know the truth ist just ignorant - but he that knows it und tells lies nonetheless, is a criminal." This assessment says it all! And consequently it ist crystal clear, as Schwind also points out, that "already in 1991 (we were in a position to celebrate) the 2000th anniversary of the settlement of the Bohemian, Moravian and Silesian regions by Germans, who intermarried with the Celtic Boii to become the Sudeten Germans of today." 3)
This means: the Czechs have no birthright to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia; on the cntrary!
As Schwind emphasizes, this was also pointed out by Brünn-born Prof. Dr. Bertold Bretholz, the German-Jewish Direktor of State Archives: "The German people in Bohemia and Moravia are not the descendants of recent colonization but of an ancient, uninterrupted presence in these regions by first Germanic, then German tribes." 4) It was nothing more than one of the numerous cold-blooded lies when Thomas G. Masaryk, the founder of the Czech state and its President, declared in late 1918 that "the regions inhabited by the Germans were their (the Czechs´) territory and that the Germans had only entered the country as immigrants and colonists, which determined their status under national law once and for all." In his study of Sudeten German cultural achievements, 5) Viktor Aschenbrenner writes: "The study of linguistics has confirmed the assumption hat remnants, if not more, of the Germanic peoples inhabiting Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia had remained there after the Migration of the Peoples.
"Many a seemingly Czech name ist of Germanic origin. We shall only mention here that, for example, the seemingly Slavic mountain name >RIP< goes back to the Old High German >rip< which the German translation of the 14th-century Dalimil Chronicle renders phonetically as the name >reif-awa< are not Slavic but derived from the Old High German >-ahwaRIP< auf althochdeutsch >rip< zurückgeht, wofür in der deutschen Übersetzung der Dalimilschen Chronik lautgerecht der Name >reif< erscheint. Ebenso sind manche Flußnamen, die etwa auf >-awa< enden, nicht slawisch, sondern auf ahd. >ahwa< zurückgehend (Schwarzawa=Swartahwa, was Schwarzwasser bedeutet). Die sprachwissenschaftliche Forschung von Prof. Dr. Ernst Schwarz gibt für das ganze Siedlungsgebiet Aufschluß und läßt weitgehende Schlüsse auf den Siedlungsvorgang der Sudetenländer zu." Und auf Seite 63 seines Werkes stellt er fest: "Die zahlreichen Wechselwirkungen mit dem (Deutschen) Reich und seinen geistigen Strömungen sind unverkennbar und auch naheliegend, heißt es doch noch in der Merian-Chronik zum Lande Böhmen im 17. Jahrhundert, DAß BÖHMEN >VON ALTERSHER ZU TEUTSCHLAND GEHÖREtemno>Kunstkammer Europas>Conservatorium EuropasLidice< betonen. Für uns Sudetendeutsche gab es hunderte und tausende sowie abertausende Lidices!!!
Daß Sudetenland kann nicht alleine den Tschechen überlassen bleiben und die Sudetendeutschen bleiben draußen vor der Tür. UNMÖGLICH! Für uns sollte es Auftrag und Verpflichtung sein wie es J.W. Goethe im Faust zum Ausdruck brachte: "Was du ererbt von deinen Vätern hast, erwirb es, um es zu besitzen!" Nur durch einen historischen Ausgleich und Kompromiß können Sudetendeutsche und Tschechen zu einer wirklich tragfähigen und dauerhaften europäischen Friedensordnung beitragen.