Waldi & Bronxi - Metaphysics

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Metaphisics AKA Herbert Schwamborn first hit the public eye with his crew Peace of Ebony which went on to become the biggest Hip Hop act to come out of Zimbabwe. He relocated to South Africa for a few years, before traveling to the New York and then settling in Germany.
He features on the last Dead Prez album and recently toured with Gangstar.His first solo album release is beginning to gain momentum at the moment in Germany. This is intellectual hip hop at its best, if you're tired of the bling of the commercial tip you should check this cat out.

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Band Metaphysics Genere HipHop | Rap
Article By: Dennis Tapfuma
Hip Hop is in a state of creative flux. Never before has a dynamic genre encountered such a radical makeover. With likes of Outkast pushing musical boundaries further than anyone could of imagined, the evolution of hip hop has been taken to much higher levels. Artists are beginning to realise that it isn’t enough dwelling on the same old my-style’s-better than yours, rap soliloquy. While you will still find a handful of wannabe emcees ensnared in that viscious repetitive cycle, those who truly understand the power of hip hop have gone deeper.

From the innermost core of hip hop, exists an artist we have all come to know as Metaphysics. Since the early Peace of Ebony days he has consistently maintained an advanced lyrical lexicon that has left even some of the world’s top emcees tongue-tied. With more than ten years of street credibility behind him, Metaphysics has evolved to become one of the most sought after emcees from the African continent. Representing Zimbabwe as a global artistic ambassador, his craft has taken him across the world where he has performed and linked with top acts. These include Wyclef, Busta Ryhmes, Bounty Killer, Wu Tang Clan and many others too numerous to mention.

Metaphysics’ latest offering, Digital Garden, proves that he is on top form and is showing no signs of faltering. The album is an absolute must-have for anyone wanting to transcend the flood of mass produced immitations.

It evokes soundscapes remniscent of the Tribe Called Quest era – organic, inspirational and packed with sharp social commentary. He explores everything from prostitution, spirituality and systematic oppression to overcoming life’s battles. Highly prevalent, is the underlying socio-conscious message that resonates from within his musical journey. Featured on the album are Zimbabwean artists Laygwan Sharkie, Ian Hillman, Netsayi Chigwendere and Wasu.

Metaphysics will be performing live at the Bug Bar in Brixton. To win free tickets to this gig, all you need to do is answer the following question: What is the name of the new Metaphysics album? Text your answers to 07905 122 866 (normal rate). Alternatively you can e.mail info@urbanpulse.net. The first five entries drawn will be notified.

Q&A Session With Metaphysics .
Interview: Katarina Lobeck

Q. You're currently living and working in Germany - not a country that is particularly renowned as a hip hop haven. Why Germany and how are you finding it to be working there?

A. Germany has been a good working environment and also the perfect place to set up international links. As compared to Africa it is really easy to get things done as far as production in all aspects. I also really like the fact that you can meet and travel around the world from here with less of a hassle.

Q. Do you feel that your African heritage is of prime importance to your music/your rhymes or do you approach hip hop from a more universal perspective?
A. To a large degree Culture and Heritage create and form my foundation to life. Artistically though I try really hard to innovate and keep my mind set open and as diverse to a universal thought process.

Q. Who are in your opinion the major players in urban African music (whether in or outside Africa) ?

A.The corrupt government structures that always seem to make it into the Media and the loud politicians who rap continuously about irrelevant issues and continue to down press my people. In this new generation we don't have musical leaders such as the Hugh Masekelas, Fela Kutis and others who used their music as a social tool. The new generation is very watered down by the media dictation on what is and what isn't.

Q. Do you feel that urban Africa is sufficiently represented in the media and music industry?

A. No, Africa is over shadowed by the darker images of the continent. Also because of language boundaries. Africa is very diverse musicaly but they have not found a common lingual ground as have say the Jamaicans. Yes, you do have your few exceptions who parade as cultural icons but that hardly adds up on an international scale. ( The Afro Americans and Jamaicans hold it down for the rest of us)

Q. Summarise your musical vision for the future in a few words…

A. To allow music to go through its ever changing process and observe myself in relation to it by making my little niche and carving a tag into this universal vibration called music.

Re: über Meta

Monday 19th January 2004

South Africans and Zimbabwean will remember Herbert Shwamborn as a one time presenter of Shell Road To Fame and as a member of hip hop group Peace Of Ebony. Known known as Metaphysics as a solo artist, he is based in Germany and will be performing in London on Saturday the 24th of January.

From the innermost core of hip hop, exists an artist known as Metaphysics. Since the early Peace of Ebony days he has consistently maintained an advanced lyrical lexicon that has left even some of the world's top emcees tongue-tied. With more than ten years of street cred behind him, Metaphysics has evolved to become one of the most sought after emcees from the African continent.

As a global artistic ambassador, his craft has taken him across the world where he has performed and linked with top acts. These include Wyclef, Busta Ryhmes, Bounty Killer, Wu Tang Clan and many others too numerous to mention.

Metaphysics latest offering, Digital Garden, proves that he is on top form and is showing no signs of faltering. The album is an absolute must-have for anyone wanting to transcend the flood of mass produced immitations. It evokes soundscapes remniscent of the Tribe Called Quest era organic, inspirational and packed with sharp social commentary. He explores everything from prostitution, spirituality and systematic oppression to overcoming lifes battles. Highly prevalent, is the underlying socio-conscious message that resonates from within his musical journey.

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Metaphysics: "Digital Garden", Hip-Hop (Pyramid Music)
Zwischen Mannheim und Zimbabwe ist Einöde

Metaphysics, Mitglied der "Söhne Mannheims", treibt seine Karriere voran. Mit "Digital Garden" versucht er, seine Rap-Künste unter Beweis zu stellen. Die Kreativität ist dabei auf der Strecke geblieben.

Von Gregor Frei.

Die Frage "Wie bist du auf deinen Künstlernamen gekommen?" gilt als eine der dümmsten Journalisten-Fragen, die man einem Musiker stellen kann. Im Fall von "Metaphysics" würde sie aber Sinn machen. Denn die Musik des selbst ernannten "Metaphysik" hat überhaupt nichts mit philosophischen oder sonstigen geistig tiefgehenden Inhalten zu tun. Wie rechtfertigt sich ein Rapper mit diesem Namen, den Hörer mit "I wanna keep it basic - easy to understand" und dem Refrain "I'm rockin' it - Hip Hop doesn't stoppin' it" auf seiner CD zu begrüssen?

Dieser Rhyme ist im Hip-Hop so ausgelutscht wie auf der Strasse Wu-Tang-Hosen und wiederholt sich auf der CD sogar noch. Dies sagt viel über den Inhalt der Platte aus. Zwar legt der mit Xavier Naidoo tourende MC den Schwerpunkt ganz klar auf den Text im Vergleich zu den Beats. Doch was dabei herauskommt, ist mager. Es sind sehr interessante Nummern wie "Poetree", "It's True" oder "The Universe" zu hören, in denen der Hörer zum Nachdenken gebracht wird und die sich auch vom 08-15-Rap abheben können. Doch hauptsächlich sind die Rhymes Mischungen aus Representing und Weltverbesserer-Tum. Metaphysics erklärt auf seiner Homepage seinen Namen mit "der Suche nach Erleuchtung und der eigenen Identität". Davon ist leider wenig zu hören. Oder Metaphysics versteckt dies alles zwischen den Zeilen...

Obwohl sie eher nebensächlich erscheinen, sind die Beats auf "Digital Garden" äusserst interessant. Sie sind eine Abwechslung zur momentanen "Digitalisierung" der Hip-Hop-Beats. Einfach gehalten, lassen sie häufig ein Melodie-Gefühl vortäuschen, obwohl gar keine vorhanden ist. Diese Eigenschaft ist Beweis für Beat-Flow, der auch nach dem Wasserfall noch weiterfliesst. Doch leider ist Metaphysics' Stimme zu durchschnittlich, als dass sich ein wirkliches musikalisches Erlebnis einstellen könnte. Metaphysics stammt aus Zimbabwe. Doch von afrikanischen Einflüssen ist auf der CD leider so gut wie gar nichts zu hören. Das Album lacht nie. Es ist eine Wüste mit kleinen Lichtblicken und grossen Löchern.

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Metaphysics Interview

Fast wäre aus dieser Story nichts geworden. Das Interview mit Metaphysics sollte nämlich am Abend des Xavier Naidoo Konzerts in Göttingen, wo er mit seiner Crew Migrant Souls als Vorband auftrat, stattfinden. Als ich ankam, war weder Metaphysics zu erreichen noch stand ich auf der Gästeliste wie abgemacht. Ums kurz zu machen, nach xxx Telefonaten (Big Thanks an dieser Stelle noch mal an Martin von S.W.A.M.P.-Records für seine Bemühungen) wurde ich dann draußen von einem gut gelaunten Metaphysics im "Ghetto-Style" in die Halle geholt, die Gästeliste war zu früh geschlossen worden, kann man nichts machen, so hatte ich dann seine Show zwar leider verpasst, konnte aber noch die letzten Tracks von Chima und das ganze Konzert von Xavier Naidoo mitkriegen, der seinem Ruf als größter deutscher Pop-Star der letzten Jahre alle Ehre machte und wirklich eine große Show ablieferte, an der auch Metaphysics, der Xavier bei 2 Liedern unterstützte, seinen Beitrag hatte. Als ich dann aus der Konzerthalle kam, pumpten mir auch schon die dicken Beats von Metaphysics EP "Elevated Perception" entgegen, Autogramme schreiben war angesagt und dabei hatte man natürlich auch dafür gesorgt, dass der Boomblaster gut gefüttert war. Als die letzten dicken Kinder den Stand verlassen hatten, konnten wir dann doch noch das Interview starten.

Freaknetz: Most of our readers won't know you till now, so please introduce yourself a little.
Metaphysics: The name is Metaphysics, jah infinite, the wizard of weed and a grand magician. Born and raised in Zimbabwe in 1973, that makes me 27 years old, we're representing Hip Hop on every concert on the planet. (Wir laufen während des Interviews durch die ganze Halle und treffen nun auf seinen Homie Shaki)
This is my boy Leguan Shaki, we've been partners
Shaki: What's up? What's Up Deutschland? Leguan Shaki in the house (Metaphysics weist ihn freundlicherweise darauf hin, dass das hier aufgeschrieben wird und übernimmt mal eben das Interview)
Metaphysics: How long have you been rapping for?
Shaki: 15 years.
Metaphysics: What was your greatest moment in Hip Hop?
Shaki: The day we meet, our first group.
Metaphysics: Yeah, which was 1992.
Shaki: In Metaphysics bedroom.
Metaphysics: We took that all the way to Johannisburg, South Africa, and we blew up in South Africa, we been representing ever since from New York, Germany, London, we rocked it everywhere.

How was the tour so far?
Yo, the tour was cool until I couldn't find the toilet and then things started getting crazy, 'cause I needed to find a toilet (jetzt raffe ich auch was er die ganze Zeit sucht und wir begeben uns auf die Suche nach einer Toilette um ihn endlich von seinen Qualen zu befreien) but it's a great experience to be on both ends of the spectrum, you know, on the one level, being a very underground-MC and then the flipside of that, being somebody that's commercial recognized, who is performing with the more recognized groups in Germany: Xavier Naidoo, Die Söhne Mannheims, yo believe it or not I even worked with Nena, Udo Lindenberg, you know, it's nice to be able to come from a distant place like…

(nun treffen wir auf G-Man einen Menschen von seinem Labe mit dem er kurz plaudert.- Und dann endlich links hinten in der Ecke das WC-Zeichen! Er scheint sehr erleichtert und erzählt während der Verrichtung seines kleinen Geschäfts fröhlich weiter) Yo, Germany is cool, the tour is cool and it's nice to be able to work on any spectrum on a musical level and express myself as a Hip Hop-artist on big stages and small stages, I consider that a blessing, because I believe in higher powers.

You say there are different elements of you, when you are on stage and on your EP, where is the difference between these elements?
Through nature and live taken it's course you learn to survive in different parts of existence, when I am with my parents it's completely different to me, then when I might be on stage and, I think within everybody we have different elements of our personality and Metaphysics for me is the stronger element of my Hip Hop personality but at the same time I'm also partly a very sensitive person if I'm dealing with my mum or dealing with certain other life aspects and you just learn to balance that out and make more elements more stronger and for me, Metaphysics is the stronger element within' the Hip Hop-expression, if we were discussing our spiritual matters or something like that, than you probably get a different radiation of energy, you learn to tap that if you been rocking mics as long as I have, you learn to tap what works out on stage, if I was to be 100% metaphysical upon on stage, that came towards Xavier Naidoo, then I probably look like an idiot. But when I'm 100% metaphysical on a Hip Hop-stage, where the people came to watch Hip Hop, then I'd been representing to the fullest, so you just got to learn to balance what works on what particular time, it's all Metaphysics but it's different doses of.

Is it hard for you to play before a pop-star like Xavier is?
For me it's all about art. In school , university level, I actually studied film and I've done two feature-films, so I've studied acting, I've done drama, so I'm studying theatre, so it's all about communication with the audience, it's all about what you give to the audience, wether it's hip hop or even just poetry or just talking, stand up comedy, being able to communicate with people. So, for me it's not very difficult, I worked on all levels of entertainment, from television, to radio, so I learned the most important thing about any artist in any musical form is communication, if you are not communicating, then your not saying anything.

Was the crowd rocking here in Göttingen?
The crowed definitely rocked when Xavier came on stage, because that’s what they came to see, but they gave us a lot of love as well with my group Migrant Souls, we got a very good response so that was pretty cool and I think for the kind of audience that is, definitely! I mean, not everybody is a hardcore-hip hopper and even selling my CD out here (zeigt auf die Fanartikel-Verkaufsstände) I feel a little guilty, because I know it's not for this kind of audience, I feel a little bit sad that people are excited to see the guy who was on the Xavier Naidoo-stage and buy the CD but when they get home it's not for this kind of people, the Metaphysics stuff is for another audience and another group, but it's good, like I said, to express yourself on different levels.

Which MCs inspired you and to who do you look up to?
KRS-One, Rakim, Aesop Rock, Juggaknots, Mastermind, Scienz Of Life, anybody who is talking about consciousness and life and I'm trying to uplift an art or a movement or a realisation, you know, even up to straight up poets like Saul Williams, he's just straight up poetry and he says something that applies to different aspects of existence, I love that, I love being able to listen somebody who has got something to say, even if it's not over music, even if it's just like a conversation but most of my greater inspirations come from not even the hip hop aspect, but just from conversation with day-to-day ordinary people. It's all poetry it's all rhythm and poetry to me.

What do you think about all the Ja Rules and Jiggas etc.
Yo, let's not forget in the earlier times people like Rakim is raw, but talking about getting paid in full, this is it. I think black people have to use the resources they have and a few resources black people have is music, basketball, it's only now that black people have been allowed to enter the corporate sector of the world or run their own businesses. It's not something that's been going for a long time, so I have a lot of respect for young black businessman, who have learned to use the elements of marketing, who have learned to use elements of promotion, to better themselves. It's not easy, it never has been and especially in places like America, when you remember things like slavery, just ended! It's only now black people are getting recognized as corporate players. You got black people playing golf, you got black people running businesses and doing their thing. So that jiggy stuff, I mean, it's just a level of marketing, it's pure marketing, and on that level I give it respect. As a musical form, I rather listen to something else. But I don't diss it, because I know what it is and why it is that. But there is a difference between music-business and music and a lot of these cats deal with music-business and that's an artform, too.

What music do you like to party over?
Yo, last night I was in a house-club, I used to trip on LSD, so the techno-shit goes down too, sometimes. In Africa we have a music form called quital (Ich habe leider gar keine Ahnung wie das richtig geschrieben wird, aber so klang es), which is like house and hip hop with ethnic chants over it, I love quital music, it is really, really, really good to party over. R&B if the honeys are hot. You know, when the girls look good, R&B sounds even better. Yeah, I mean, wherever there's a vibe! Sometimes, it's even really nice to just be by a fire-place and my boy is playing the guitar and singing to me, that's a party too, it's a musical form I respect as well.

Are there any German artists you like?
I really feel the German, because he has managed to transsend languages so I understand him, because he rhymes in English as well, to me it's easier. I have a lot of respect for KC Da Rookee, because I know what he's doing and I understand him, I have a lot of respect for Samy, because I met him and I know him as a person, I have a lot of respect for the Spezializtz, because their energy they always deliver, I have a lot of respect for Kool Savas, because I see how he manipulates his energys and how he is a real person and when he is on stage, how he manages to manifest that, I have a lot of respect for… yo, a lot of the German MCs actually, what you get to know, that you are dealing with people and I have more respect for the art, then for the people, for me that is what opens the gate. But the ones that I mentioned, I rate them the highest. Props to Dynamite, he hook me up in his mix.

With Defisis you have a very nice feature on your new EP, with which other artists would you like to work in future?
Right now I'm hoping to take it back, to get a lot of African cats on record, I really wanna get a lot of my old school heroes, like Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, I would love to do something with Rakim, Phi Life Cypher from the UK, men from all over the world, it's Hip Hop everywhere, I wouldn't mind to work with Saian Super Crew, just anybody who is representing energy and love. I'm not particular, like trying to pinpoint an MC, it's all about time, the right place and the right moment, the right vibe, that's most important.

FS.W.A.M.P. Records seems to me like a very fresh and innovative label, do you like your work there?
I like it when somebody is able to follow through on an idea and take it from concept to final and that's what I have a lot of respect for, that they actually know how to follow through. I think it's an good example for any independent person, who wants to do their own thing, that it's possible, you can take an idea, and take it from just an idea to the end. I think that's what a lot of people lack on any level is taking an idea and taking it to the end. A lot of people stop at the idea, or stop at the production and never follow through. So, for me, I have respect for that team, which includes myself as well, which includes a lot of elements, coming together and following through. So working on that level is always good. Names may change, you know, because it's all about giving yourself identity. You know, a name is but a name, but a name, but a name, but a name, fuck the names and shit like that, it's about people.

Is there anything left to say? Any shout-outs?
Shout-Outs to the Migrant Souls crew, (dann noch zu einer Crew in Südafrika, deren Name ich nicht verstanden habe, Cashness Society?!?), Shout-Outs to the Orion.Pax, Defisis, Shout-Outs to anybody representing love of anything.

Jetzt kriegt Metaphysics auch endlich seinen heiß ersehnten Hot Dog von der freundlichen Dame, die ihren Stand eigentlich schon lange zumachen wollte, aber noch von der Migrant Souls Crew belagert wird, aber die Jungs brauchen ja ihre Energie, denn sie wollen ja morgen weiterrocken und dope HipHop auf jeder Ebene representieren.

Re: über Meta

Metaphysics - der Körper, der sich stetig verändert, eine neue Gestalt annimmt. Der Körper der aus einer Ur-Form entstanden ist und Bestandteil des Alls ist. Der Körper ist in seiner Plastizität mit einer Komposition vergleichbar - Der Mensch lauscht den Klängen der Welt, die sich ähnlich wie der Körper figurieren in ihrer Entfaltung, in ihrer Bewegung - die Töne und die Geräusche werden vom Künstler zu einer Klang-Architektur moduliert. Das Signifikante an dieser Architektur sind die äußeren Zonen des Übergangs von einer Tonart in die andere. In der Verformung der ursprünglichen Form wird ein Potential freigesetzt, das nicht unbedingt erkennbar, hörbar sein muß. Dieses Potential birgt die Möglichkeit der Veränderung, die der Komposition innewohnt. Wenn ich diesen Gedanken noch weiter ausführe, wird mir bewußt, das die Aufgabe eines Musik-Kritikers darin besteht, Phänomene der Veränderung und der Potentialität aufzuspüren. Die Frage muß also lauten, was ist an einer Bewegung bezeichnend, und welche Energie setzt diese Bewegung frei.

Eine Formveränderung ereignet sich auch bei Metaphysics. Sein Mini-Album „Elevated Perception“ für das Wuppertaler Label Swamprecords ist deshalb so aufregend, weil der Rapstil mit einem Kryptograph vergleichbar ist, in sich verschachtelt und mehrdimensional, als ob die Worte aus unterschiedlichen Zonen aufeinander treffen würden, Worte, die durch eine labyrinthische Anlage hindurch laufen und in diesem Vermögen eine Art von Rätselsprache aufschreiben, die im Wort-Spiel des Rappers zu außergewöhnlichen Formen kulminiert werden. Die Drumpatterns und Flächen-Sounds reflektieren die verwobenen Vocal-Figuren, so z. B. bei „Entering Paralisis“, wo ein paar obskure sperrige Geräusche den kryptographischen Eindruck noch verstärken.

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„Mind of Mapper“ the new single from Metaphysics!

Q: Who is Metaphysics and what does he do?

A: I am servant of God!, a Son, Brother, Friend and the core of my creative nature a Rapper. I produce in my little studio called Zion Gate Studios…

Q: Where are you from?

A: The promised Land!, Zimbabwe…

Q: Why „the promised Land“ ?

A: The Energy that surrounds Zimbabwe is amazing, the people are warm and life has value. The Media is a monster! And the Chemical and Germ war far eis killing my people but we shall rise.

Q: How can this monster be stopped?

A: Only God can Stopp it now… it is just a matter og knowing who the true living God is!

Q: Ist his what your music is about?

A: I try to fashion my music around my beliefs. It is only now that I have become confident to stand behind my statements.

Q: What is your new project?

A: Mond Over Matter ist he title of my first single on the new Zimbabwean Label APOC.

Q: Who is on this project?

A: On this record is just me alone, it is a celebration of my many years is Hip Hop an just want to mark that by doing a project for me …

Q: Who else have you worked with?

A: Many many Hip Hop Legends and some of the best singers and producers in this Game, my list is endless. I will drop some of the material I have collected over the years with Artist such as Xavier Naidoo, Slum Village, Buju Banton, Mr Vegas etc. !

Q: What is yout involvement with APOC Records?

A: I try to support the Label and I am hoping that it becomes the leading Hip Hop Label to come out of Africa, other than that I just provide them with that sweet music!

Q: What else do you work with?

A: I try not to limit myself I will work with anyone if there is a connection … or a vibe.

Q: What more can we expect from you?

A: Not to Stop and I that I keep heading forward and traigt outta Babylon!

Q: Is your music straightly Hip Hop?

A: No, my music encompasses many different influences. Right now, I am trying to create a distinct style. With my partner, we are currently developing sound manipulation based on extraterrestrial concepts similar to what certain military organisations have been trying to develop. Where as the military uses their innovations for warfare, we intend to use ours in a positive way. Just kidding ist all about that true to self expression!

Q: What did you mean by the military?

A: Right now we are being manipulated by subconscious brainwash. Certain devices like cellular phones transmit more than just text messages.
We are currently trying to redevelop our ancient abilities of telepathic, telekenetik communication or on a basic bring back love and unity amongst God people.

Q: How?

A: I hope through our music, and if not through the music, then directly through other mediums connected to the art…

Q: This sounds fascinating. Is there anything else you would like to say to people who might come across your music?

A: Please support and help to build a brighter future … Go out there and do what´s got to be done … Blesses Love.
Metaphysics 2005

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