Abfall o.T.

Abfall o.T.

Re: Abfall

heftig, ich würd sagen die umfrage is repräsentativ. 2 stimmen sagen schon ne menge aus

Re: Abfall

Ja. wer hat denn da abgestimmt?

Re: Abfall

i wasn't

Re: Abfall

goe was!

Re: Abfall

Oliver H.

Re : Manipulation of polls

Dear sir or madam,
Referring to the entry "Abfall o.t." I want to complain about the political structures of your forum that are racialist und undemocratic.
From the day that I joined the administrator is manipulating the polls in a discriminating way, which cannot be tolerated in a modern western society. I consider this awful forum a shame for the entire internet and I dread it will be the nail in the coffin of democracy. I regret registration.

Percy Uminivares

Re: Abfall

ich würde niemals so ne sinnlose umfrage manipulieren, fragt doch ma den autor

Re: Abfall

Oh, war doch irgendwie klar, dass der dahinter steckt.

In this case I have to cancel my rude complaint and make a public apology to the honorable and graceful administrator of this forum.

Man war das schleimig ...

Re: Abfall

und dann auch noch in englisch

obwohl das meiste natürlich stimmt

Re: Abfall

hm... nee

Re: Abfall

Dear Sir or Madam Uminivares,

we are sorry that we have to tell you about the train waiting for you in Dahlbruch station. Hurry up.

Yours sincerely,

A.D. Olf

Re: Abfall

Dear mr. or ms. steinbeck,

we're glad to tell you that the ton of fingernails you ordered last week has arrived yesterday.

yours sincerely,
