Forum für Ray Park und Darth Maul Fans - Smalltalk

Something I have to tell you....

Something I have to tell you....

Hi everyone,

I know very well that it has again been a long time, since I last visited and not to say, wrote something here. So I want to apologise, for it and hope I can explain with the following lines.

I'm just about to change my whole life. I'm preparing to move to England, or more precisely to London, to live with my new partner John Coppinger, in August latest. And yes, he is the one I mentioned on this messageboard before, he worked on Star Wars and other movies. But all that also means, I will leave my old live behind, get divorced and also will have to leave my son with my ex-husband ( not an easy thing to do).
I won't bore you with all the Details now, I just wanted you to know, what's going on.

So I wondered what should happen to this messageboard. I'm not sure if there is an interest in keeping it up, as it turned so quiet here, especially after all the strange things, that were spread in the net at the end of last year. No more details on that too, all people involved will know what I mean!

But I'd like to hear from you now. Do you want this messageboard to be kept up? Maybe there even is somebody who wants to run it now?
I'm not sure if I will have enough time for it.
I certainly didn't lose interest in Ray's work and will definitely stay in touch with Larry, every now and then.

So you know what's going on...and hope you will let me know, what you want as well



We are beautiful, no matter what they say, 'cause words can't bring us down! We are beautiful in every single don't you bring us down today!!!