Forum für Ray Park und Darth Maul Fans - Smalltalk


Re: Welcome!!!!!

Hey, Nicole! I just wanted yoy to know that I got your pics up on my site as well as added this forum to my messageboards links page!!

You coulnd't go to sleep after midnight, and neither could I! I bet I beat you, I was up unitl 3am! LOL! I went on ahead and got my website stuff done last night, so that I could play around a little bit today!!

See ya later!!!

And I hope to hear back from them sometime today. Let me know if you do. Ok?

Living well is the best revenge!!!
Work to live, not live to work!!

Re: Welcome!!!!!

Zitat: Hippie Chic
Zitat: Hippie Chic
heya guys! ive joined as well to lend a bit of my insanity and wisdom!!
luv + peace
correction, now ive joined!!Hi, I joined too So I thought I would just post a message to say hi! and I love the little icons! *ditsch*

Re: Welcome!!!!!


welcome to all of you folks....

at last this board comes to life

@ Jen beat me. Had to work so staying up until 3 was not in the cards....
But give me a chance, next turn is mine


I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that god has a sick sense of humor, and when I die I expect to find him laughing
(Depeche Mode)

Re: Welcome!!!!!

We'll see Nicole!! It all depends on what I have to attempt to accomplish tonight!! I bet I'll be up until about 2 or 3am again!! LOL!

Living well is the best revenge!!!
Work to live, not live to work!!

Re: Welcome!!!!!

Do you challenge me??


But not tonight......


I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that god has a sick sense of humor, and when I die I expect to find him laughing
(Depeche Mode)