FIFe Standart Umschreibung
Danish Russian Blue Club ( has prepared a proposal for changing the Russian Blue standard and it will probably be presented at the FIFe General Assembly in the end of May (
Please see the current standard and the proposal below. The changes are written in red. What do you think? Do you:
a) agree on all points
b) disagree on all points
c) agree partially (please specify)
The current standard:
And this is the proposal:
Shape: Short wedge, skull long and flat. In profile forehead and nose form a convex angle at the same level as the eyebrows
Forehead: Straight
Nose: Straight
Whisker pads: Prominent
Chin: Viewed from front: Strong. Viewed from profile: Deep
Shape: Large and rather pointed, wide at the base. The skin of the ears is fine and transparent, the inside hardly covered with hair
Placement: Viewed from front: Following the outer line of the wedge shaped head
Shape: Large and almond in shape; set wide apart
Colour: Vivid green, without any yellowish tone permissible in kittens
Neck: Long and straight
Structure Medium bone structure, graceful in outline and carriage, not thick set.The general expression of the body must be harmonious and elegant, but with no oriental typed appearance
Legs: Fine and high
Paws: Small and oval
Tail: Fairly long and tapering to a point
Structure: Short, soft and very fine double coat with a silky structure; dense and standing up like plush with sufficient undercoat to give a clear lift to the upper coat; not laying flat
Colour: Medium to light blue-grey, even and clear colour with a distinct silver sheen; without any tabby markings, bars or shading (ghost markings) permissible in kittens and young adults
Nose leather: Blue-grey
Paw pads: Dark lavender
General shape, profile, nose, jaws and teeth, forehead, chin, placement and shape of the ears 25
Shape and colour 10
Shape, size, bone structure, height of legs and shape of the paws, tail and its length 25
Colour 10
Quality and texture, length 25
Condition 5
A proposal for changes in the standard for the Russian Blue has been suggested and prepared by a majority of active Danish Russian Blue breeders together with The Danish Russian Blue Association. It has not been the intension to add something new to the breed itself, but to bring the standard up-to-date with the Russian Blues already in existence. It is considered time to update the Russian Blue standard in order to give a better and more precise description of the breed especially of some of the more important characteristics (coat structure and colour, body structure and placement of ears), also integrating the faults into the standard itself.