TV-Serien Forum - Nip/Tuck


Re: Spoiler/News

Ja, kann man wohl sagen *G*

Obwohl ich zugenen muss, als ich die erste Folge gesehen habe war ich erst ein wenig geschockt

Hatte sowas in der Art ja noch nie im Fernsehen gesehen, mit diesen so realen OPs und der ganze Sex

Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

ja ich auch aber genau das fesselt einen doch daran oder?
das sowas noch nie da so schockend ist und trotzdem genial!

**************************************** fanlisting/ddgorgeous/

Angel Season5~You're welcome~

Cordy kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings

You know, um... I don't...I don't need to get that.

(tenderly straightens his tie)
That you have to get.
(Angel walks toward the phone)
Oh... and you're welcome.

(answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's... but that's impossible. She's standing
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there; he becomes visibly
I'm sorry. Yeah.
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um... she never did wake up? I see.
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you.

I've still got sand in my shoes and I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you but why would I want to
I know we said good bye anything else would have been confused but I want to see you again

Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanity
should run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
try to remind myself that I was happy here, before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away,
from the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time, take all our time

~Dido-sand in my shoes~

so fühlt man sich wenn man zurück zu hause ist ohne das man das eigendlich will....

Re: Spoiler/News

Ja, genau so ist es *G*

Aber als ich es das erste mal gesehen habe war es schon sehr komisch aber gleichzeitig auch unheimlich interessant *G*

Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

Hier der Trailer zu 2x16, der leider letzten Folge dieser Staffel.

Wieder highlighten, kopieren und in Browser einfuegen.


Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

everyone will talk about....but me *heul*!!!!!!!!!

ah gott ok ich sags jetztw ohl schon zum hundertsen mal *HEUL*


**************************************** fanlisting/ddgorgeous/

Angel Season5~You're welcome~

Cordy kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings

You know, um... I don't...I don't need to get that.

(tenderly straightens his tie)
That you have to get.
(Angel walks toward the phone)
Oh... and you're welcome.

(answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's... but that's impossible. She's standing
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there; he becomes visibly
I'm sorry. Yeah.
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um... she never did wake up? I see.
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you.

I've still got sand in my shoes and I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you but why would I want to
I know we said good bye anything else would have been confused but I want to see you again

Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanity
should run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
try to remind myself that I was happy here, before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away,
from the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time, take all our time

~Dido-sand in my shoes~

so fühlt man sich wenn man zurück zu hause ist ohne das man das eigendlich will....

Re: Spoiler/News

Ach, du siehst es doch bestimmt auch bald

Aber wird wieder ne lange Zeit bis zur naechsten Staffel.
Aber in der Zwischenzeit kommts dann ja auf Pro7

Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

oh ja wenigstens etwas *lol

**************************************** fanlisting/ddgorgeous/

Angel Season5~You're welcome~

Cordy kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings

You know, um... I don't...I don't need to get that.

(tenderly straightens his tie)
That you have to get.
(Angel walks toward the phone)
Oh... and you're welcome.

(answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's... but that's impossible. She's standing
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there; he becomes visibly
I'm sorry. Yeah.
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um... she never did wake up? I see.
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you.

I've still got sand in my shoes and I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you but why would I want to
I know we said good bye anything else would have been confused but I want to see you again

Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanity
should run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
try to remind myself that I was happy here, before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away,
from the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time, take all our time

~Dido-sand in my shoes~

so fühlt man sich wenn man zurück zu hause ist ohne das man das eigendlich will....

Re: Spoiler/News

Na ja, sehr viel anderes bleibt uns ja auch nicht uebrig

Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

Hier der Promo Trailer zur ersten Staffel.
Er hat auf der Hauptseite einige Probleme gemacht also wird er erstmal hier hin verbannt

Lieben Gruss

Re: Spoiler/News

hmmm spinnt auch heir etwas..gibt es denn keinen link so das ich mir den runter laden kann?


One love for the mothers pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive
I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need fanlisting/ddgorgeous/