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Gerade im CC bei FB gefunden:

Gerade im CC bei FB gefunden:

von Leigh Bisset

Hope it is appropriate to put this here..would really love assistance to help ground the energy of this new school that has a direct, focus on the 'New One's' and the Awakening Masters.

School of Self Mastery: ♥ 

We have moved into a new paradigm called the new energy.

It is here as a result of consciousness willingness to move forward.

Now is a time of incredible growth and the birthing of new ideas and creations.

Over the next few years we will see a wave of incredible human beings doing and creating extraordinary things.

Some of these inventions, idea's and creations may at first be ostracized, ridiculed or glanced upon with suspicion because they will challenge old and outdated belief systems that are no longer appropriate or in resonance with the New Energy.

As a result of the arrival of the 'New Energy', there has been a unprecedented number of the 'New Ones' commonly known as the Crystal children and Enlightened Masters coming in to share their energy on earth.

The Enlightened Masters have been here before and have come to experience the beauty of life. The timing of their awakening and their arrival is no accident.

In response to the shift of energy on the planet and the advent of so many 'New Ones' and living Masters, we will also begin to see a surge in the number of 'New Energy teachers' and 'Awakened Masters' who will now step forward and reveal themselves because the timing is right and consciousness is ready for them.

These teachers have already forged a pathway to the road of enlightenment and self-awareness. They are already in place.

They will be the guiding light that will help navigate those ready to 'Awaken' into remembrance of who they really are.

Combined, these energies will shake the foundation of structure and limited thinking. They will challenge those around them just by their presence, to let go of out-dated ideas and ideals.

They will bring with them the invitation to look at things from a new place and an elevated perspective that begins with letting go. 

The School of Self Mastery is a space that has been created for the sole purpose of providing practical tools and information.

It is a guiding light that leads to the path of remembrance of who you really are and it is here in service to remind you of your true Creative Potential and Power.

Re: Gerade im CC bei FB gefunden:

Danke Johanna für den Text......

Habe mal versucht es zu übersetzen...

Hänge es als PDF an, weil ich den Text nicht reinkopieren kann.

alles Liebe Gelianna

Re: Gerade im CC bei FB gefunden:

Herzlichen Dank, liebe gelianna!