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Zu Reconnection/Reconnective Healing:
Diese Arbeit ist laut Tobias energetisch eng mit dem Crimson Council und damit auch dem Crimson Circle verknüpft. In den New Energy Series, Shoud 4, Fragen & Antworten geht Tobias dazu auf eine Frage ein.
Hi, Tobias. Could you comment on Dr. Eric Pearl's work "The Reconnection" (the title of one of Dr. Pearl's books) and "Reconnective Healing" and the twelve strands of DNA? Thank you.
TOBIAS: Indeed, and - how to say - we, the Crimson Council work closely with this one that you call Dr. Eric Pearl. Such an interesting background he has ... such interesting work he has chosen for himself. He has, in essence, come in for a very specific reason - to simplify a divine process. In previous lifetimes, and when he was back on our side here, he saw that there was a need to let go of all of these very tedious ways of facilitating, of allowing a healing process within a healing space.
So, he came in with something very simple. The challenge for him has been that it is so simple most people don't believe it's real. They want to have elaborate ceremony. They want to have to study volumes.
Healing is so simple. If there is one party who chooses it, and another party who helps facilitate the energy, it can happen. It is no longer a miracle. It is New Energy medicine happening instantaneously between two people.
Now, he also understands that those who practice this technique of "Reconnection" need to understand they are just a facilitator of the process. They have to recognize they are not healers. There are no healers. There are facilitators, and there are those who choose to be healed.
But, we work very closely with those energies. And, we see - how to say - these two - the Crimson Circle and the work of Dr. Pearl - coming back together again. Thank you. Very effective work also.