Sky - Closed O.O

First Guildwar

First Guildwar

The first Guildwar of our guild will be at Guillvl.6

So please keep spending items or money for lvling up =Ö.ö=

Re: First Guildwar

so .. now we have a guildlvl. 6

i want to start a guildwar, but u have to say, if u want to join the Guildwar!

please mail me if u want to join gw. we need member for it Ö.ö

Re: First Guildwar


Re: First Guildwar

wann join ^^ th guil war!!!Zitat: KittySchnurr

s .. no w hav guildlvl. 6

wan t star guildwar, bu hav t say, if wan t join th Guildwar!

pleas mail m if wan t join gw. w nee membe fo i Ö.ö

Re: First Guildwar

ehmm.. sorry ^^° i think there was something wrong whith the settings Ö.Ö

Re: First Guildwar

can you type this again(without smilies)?

Re: First Guildwar

so .. now we have a guildlvl.6. i want to start a guildwar, but u have to say, if u want to join the Guildwar! please mail me if u want to join gw. we need  6member for it Ö.ö

Re: First Guildwar

Are you sure Kit? I was in other guid.. And when we had guildwar, we were only in twos and our opponent was only one assistant.
Why we need member to start guildwar?

Re: First Guildwar

Ö.ö i think it is better to do a war in bigger group than people

Re: First Guildwar

Everybody who want to join a guildwar , please come to Flaris on server 3-4 at the 

1st november at 16 o´clock