Sky - Fanart

kitty´s pix

kitty´s pix

here are some picture  painted by me

Re: kitty´s pix

yahoo! cool

two female and one male khmm... where's merc ? =D

Re: kitty´s pix

the girl in the middle is a blade righthand an assist and lefthand an elementer

Re: kitty´s pix

oh, sorry  I thought it was acro...sorry But where is acro ? = D

Re: kitty´s pix

O.O° eh... not there

Re: kitty´s pix

kitty, thats an wound on all the acros on flyff u know

When things go the way they are, THATS true happiness-- Reid Hershel

Re: kitty´s pix

i know... im workin on some other pic´s